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Posts posted by killrsheep

  1. Hi Claw,

    I am having this issue too but mu code looks a little bit different, just to let you guys know this has happened twice for me, i have "reproduced" the error trying to rescue the first "frozen" kerbal

    1) get a ship with a rover to the Mun (idk if its location specific, probably not)

    2) ride around till you mess up and flip over into "ragdolling" your rover and kebal both together ( actually before they separate i has already lost the right click basic menus on both of them, only the monopropellent for the eva suit remained visible)

    3) try to split them apart by switching vessels (get a far enough vessel, then return, usually both rover and kerbal will bounce off from clipping between planet and rover), if that s not enough try reloading your game

    4) voila you somehow detached the kerbal without clicking "leave seat", now you can switch between rover and kerbal using bracket keys yay!

    5) however your kerbal will be totally frozen in panic for all he has been through

    pid = a54db393f3394902a1b3ad362aecea8b
    name = All of it Lander Rover Debris
    type = Debris
    sit = LANDED
    landed = True
    landedAt =
    splashed = False
    met = 80328.2350608706
    lct = 271160103.742764
    root = 0
    lat = -2.78449680284058
    lon = 26.360958104773
    alt = 3212.90768965581
    hgt = 0.2269612
    nrm = -0.01467857,0.9992282,0.03643401
    rot = 0.7039325,0.6726217,0.1703772,0.151759
    CoM = 9.800077E-08,1.771179E-06,-7.009293E-07
    stg = 0
    prst = False
    ref = 2978706759
    cPch = 0
    cHdg = 0
    cMod = 0
    SMA = 101619.799607245
    ECC = 0.999737339343865
    INC = 2.78449684108547
    LPE = 89.9871388205417
    LAN = 198.547340867066
    MNA = 3.14159715729171
    EPH = 271240432.017825
    REF = 2
    name = kerbalEVA
    uid = 2978706759
    mid = 3604084610
    parent = 0
    position = 0,0,0
    rotation = 0,0,0,1
    mirror = 1,1,1
    istg = 0
    dstg = 0
    sqor = -1
    sidx = -1
    attm = 0
    srfN = None, -1
    mass = 0.09375
    temp = -53.53894
    expt = 0
    state = 0
    connected = False
    attached = False
    flag = Squad/Flags/kerbinmunflag
    rTrf = referenceTransform
    crew = 1
    name = KerbalEVA
    isEnabled = True
    state = Idle (Grounded)
    step = 1.208333
    packExt = False
    lightOn = True
    flags = 1
    active = False
    guiActive = True
    guiIcon = Plant Flag [1]
    guiName = Plant Flag [1]
    category = Plant Flag [1]
    guiActiveUnfocused = False
    unfocusedRange = 2
    externalToEVAOnly = True
    active = False
    guiActive = True
    guiIcon = Control From Here
    guiName = Control From Here
    category = Control From Here
    guiActiveUnfocused = False
    unfocusedRange = 2
    externalToEVAOnly = True
    active = False
    guiActive = True
    guiIcon = Leave Seat
    guiName = Leave Seat
    category = Leave Seat
    guiActiveUnfocused = False
    unfocusedRange = 2
    externalToEVAOnly = True
    active = False
    guiActive = True
    guiIcon = Rename Vessel
    guiName = Rename Vessel
    category = Rename Vessel
    guiActiveUnfocused = False
    unfocusedRange = 2
    externalToEVAOnly = True
    vesselName = Bill Kerman
    vesselType = 9
    rootUId = 2978706759

    I could not find any code similar to yours ( vessel/pid=...., name= Bill Kerman) but the vessel listed as "All of it Lander Rover Debris" im sure it has been destroyed by now, it was the rover that bill was on (however destruction of the rover might be irrelevant bcuz i have lodby on the same situation and his rover is fine, actually i even added an OKTO to that one)

    ill try and change either the "name" or "type" or "both" tell you if it works

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