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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I installed the components after grabbing the file you linked, but that doesn't appear to solve the problem. Unless I'm doing something wrong, of course.
  2. Alright, after a bit of restarting and enabling and disabling and applying, I've concluded that there are no programs that are interfering with KSP. But, I still need a little bit of a how-to about reinstalling DirectX.
  3. I don't know of anything running that could cause KSP to crap out before the loading screen. If there's anything running in the background, I wouldn't mind a good step-by-step to disable it. And there doesn't appear to be any good ways to reinstall DirectX on my system. If it means anything, there isn't anything that could be wrong with it to be malicious to KSP, and it's fully updated. Again, I would love some tutorial to reinstall DirectX that isn't severely outdated by several years...
  4. KSP: 1.0.2 Windows 32bit Problem: As soon as the program is started, it stops responding. No loading screens to be seen. More information below. Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/os6Dg#0 They're kind of bad, but what do expect? Pictured: The not responding box, 2nd is the black screen. Saves/.craft files: N/A Reproduction steps: Start up the game. Notice that your cursor is making the Blue Circle of Loading. Click on the empty space and watch your desktop turn black with the Circle still on screen. Click again, and watch as the darkness turn white, Circle still visible. Click again a few more times as a window pops up saying that KSP.exe is not responding. Cry and post on the forum. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8h8beitgb6op9gj/output_log.txt?dl=0 System Specifications: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=DxDiag.txt Additional Information/Things I've Tried: Updating drivers, forcing OpenGL on Steam, deleting the file, and verifying the cache If you need more information, please feel free to ask.
  5. I don't think this has come up yet, but has anyone found any new/fixed/broken anomalies in 1.0?
  6. Granted, but everytime it meeps it causes a singularity to swallow a part of the Earth. Also, it meeps all the time and you can't sleep. I wish that the next poster's wish comes true.
  7. Granted. However, all the wealth is spent on hats. I wish this moment could last forever!
  8. Granted, but he's a poisontato friend instead. I wish heaven got a ghetto.
  9. Granted, but the user is illiterate. I wish that I had some gum.
  10. This literally made me go "DAYUM!" In a good way, of course.
  11. I...I didn't know how to land! The navball confused me! The landing legs fell off! I didn't mean to kill Calfurt, I swear! But then he was alive and I was confused even more.
  12. I use Mechjeb. For everything. Also I use cheats when I'm out of fuel with no plan to get it back.
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