I've seen the radical differences in spacecraft design required to land at sea level or on the high plains of Eve, I was wondering what might be the implications of launching from higher altitudes here on earth, specifically relating to the advantages to be gained by a USA-based space program attempting the build a space station/LEO vehicle assembly station in the equatorial plane of the solar system. So we're talking about establishing a long term goal with many launches, the heavier we can make each launch the better. Less pieces = less assembly = less to go wrong in LEO. Let's say right now we launch from southernmost Texas at 26° latitude, at only 2.5° above the Tropic of Cancer, only 2.5° of adjustment in the orbital inclination would be required to enter the equatorial plane. But, we're at sea level. Let's increase the altitude, which for staying inside the continental USA, requires us to move north. At about ~31.5° and ~10,000ft/2900m we have Miller Peak in far southern Arizona. If a peak is too much, there are flatter areas in the Big Bend of Texas that average 4,000ft/1200m. Then disregarding geopolitics, shipping costs and the challenges of launching from a peak/volcano, there is the ultimate advantage, picking a peak in the tropics (no inclination adjustment) like Pico de Orizaba outside of Mexico City at ~18490ft/5636m, or Mauna Kea at 13795ft/4205m I guess now that I've said all that what I'm really looking for is the math to make a comparison chart of ∆V saved per altitude increase and ∆V required per degree of inclination adjustment.