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    Curious George
  1. I would upgrade to a quad socket, 12 core xeon with 512 GB of memory and 4 top of the line GPU's in SLI if that's what it took to run Kerbal. I love my little green men that much!
  2. I wish you could reposition the nav-ball by dragging it to wherever you want it, and perhaps make it slightly larger, and maybe even make an option to make it semi transparent.
  3. 3 seconds is all it takes me to open a child's mind to the universe when I bring my 26" dobsonian telescope out to star parties and point it to the moon or mars. Their eyes get huge and their mouth drops open. It's pretty amazing to watch. They'll look up, at the moon, then back in the eyepiece in disbelief that the little moon really looks like that.
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