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  1. To me that looks like a problem with KAS (Kerbal Attachment System). If you're trying to use the US KAS pack then you need KAS installed as well. If you have, you could try checking the install / reinstalling to see if that fixes the problem. Hope that helps somewhat.
  2. That makes sense, thanks for the answer. That might be on our to do list This would be quite a nice alternative solution, whilst being more flexible and would probably require less work on your end.
  3. Hi there, I would just like to say that I really like the look of this mod so far, and those parts look awesome! I was wondering, can we expect more wedges coming in the future, such as battery packs, mono-propellant tanks, etc? That would really solve a lot of issues I have with sticking stuff onto the side of rockets as well as stop FAR and DeadlyReentry from hating my rockets
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