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Everything posted by Norixz

  1. it seems that SCANsat V7.0rc 2.1 wont let me generate the RADAR map (SCAN RADAR Altimetry Sensor). the others work fine as well as kethane and interstellar scanner. I tried with a new inatallation and a existing career. had no other problems but the RADAR map. i can start and stop the scan and it uses electricity but it wont generate the "black and white"-altimetry map (sensorType=1).
  2. I noticed a scaling problem. parts at a distant over 2.3km wont scale at all. so if you have a part that is downscaled a lot, you are going to see huge parts from distance. can this be changed or shouldn't we yust rescale the parts ? I used -Distant Object Enhancement (of course) -Toolbar (of course) and -KAX (the Rotor has a rescale factor of 0.0125)
  3. try: sensorType = 24 fov = 4 min_alt = 1 max_alt = 500000 best_alt = 250000 power = 0.5 scanName = Multispectral Scan
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