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Posts posted by vipertiper

  1. Thanks whiteowl for this challenge! your a cool guy too love your LPs!

    Ok first go to the moon(For the people who did not go to the moon without a plane!)

    then deploy a sattilite and let it orbit the moon then land on the moon with your plane try to point straight down =P then pull up all the way and land with all the speed :) Good luck even tho i diidn\'t try it! It will work nothings impossible :P

  2. Voyager the only humand object that is going out our solar system is geting made by kerbins too! The voyage will be set on a mission to explore the universe when theres a big update for ALOOOOOT of planets it will take pictures of them and in realy life it will take 300 years to get back to kerbin and will be going OVER 7,000 M/S the voyage will be made right now and get tested so it can orbit the sun with intense gravity pull so it will require a long rope tied to something on kerbal! hope you see my pictures soon!

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