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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. My graphics card is definatly starting to show its age. This pc has been picked apart a little since I built a htpc/nas machine for the living room. I swapped the boot drive for a smaller ssd which may have been a little too small, after a year or so windows is starting to fill the drive and I get occasional disk full errors when copying files but I keep everything else installed on another drive. Also Im running the non-steam version of ksp.
  2. Ya, "It's already Fixed" is the general consensus of what I read as well, obviously this is not the case. Just to be sure I was on the same page as others who were not having the issue I tried a new save with only kethane installed and got the same results, tried a fresh install of KSP and went through and updated all my mods with the latest patches and im still having the same issue. I'll bump your thread, here's my debug... It seems Im having some issues with toolbar as well. I'm not using toolbar so could this just be kethane and interstellar looking for something that is not there?
  3. I'm have some pretty major problems with The Latest release. Launched one probe and at first everything worked fine however after launching a second one the grid overlay went all haywire like in the picture, now it happens on all vessels. Mods im using: Kethane 0.8.5 Interstellar Engineering Redux (0.235 .dlls) B9 0.235 Patched KW 0.235 Patched Enhanced Nav Ball City Lights and Clouds KAS Kerbal Alarm Clock I've searched this thread and seen other people have the same problem but I have found no solution other than reading it's not a problem caused by Kethane Mod. Has anyone figured this out?
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