Hi everybody, Thanks for the replies so far. I actually have all the mods that you guys have mentioned, but I haven't ever seen any invisible struts anywhere in my part catalog. I'll look harder next time. This happens to all my planes - big, small, heavy, light, doesn't matter. The only things I ever put on wings are airbrakes, wheels, RCS ports, sometimes aviation lights and radial intakes from B9. I also try to reproduce some of Scott Manley's designs, and get the same results. I arrived at the solution of strutting every part to every other (adjacent) part through trial and error, so it does seem I need to. If I just strut the wings to the fuselage, then the fuselage parts still wobble and flex. So apparently strutting is inevitable. Bummer. Okay, so about the clipping - when I try placing struts in some places, the strut doesn't connect to the other part I want; it snaps to the origin point. I've always assumed that was a failed strut attempt, then I move the origin point somewhere else and try again until I get a strut that crosses the boundary between the two parts. Do I need to enable part clipping from the cheat menu to hide the struts via clipping? Again, thanks for the help!