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Everything posted by wdsmith3

  1. One of my satellites had an "unplaned mun encounter" causing a slingshot to interplanatary space. It had enough fuel left to setup a duna encounter.
  2. using the drouge chutes will help. they can safely open at a higher speed( above sound barier) and helps slow you down higher up. I usually set an action group to cut the drogue and deploy the main chute at the same time, as the drogue chute is not effective at low speed. from a minmus return, I set the pe at around 25ish, im doing 350km/s at 5k altitube when i open the drouge. at 1k altitude, I cut the drouge and deploy the main
  3. the ablative material is essentially a sacrificial layer of materials that boil off of the surface of the heat shield. The material boils off and caries waste heat away from the spacecraft essentially cooling the heat shield. Imagine a hot summer day and you spray water on your neck. The water absorbs heat from your skin and the air around you. When the water absorbs enough heat, it evaporates and caries that heat energy away from your body. In this example the water is the "ablative material"
  4. Argument for metric system: Base 10 (easier calculations) Internationally recognized and understood already used by scientific community Argument against: because America
  5. http://www.space.com/29632-soyuz-spacecraft-thrusters-fire.html Aparently im not the only one who has "accidental thrusting events" on my stations "Thrusters on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft that's docked at the International Space Station fired unexpectedly on Tuesday (June 9), temporarily changing the huge complex's orientation in orbit. Russian flight controllers quickly fixed the Soyuz issue, NASA officials said in an update today (June 10). The incident posed no threat to the station's six crewmembers, and it will not affect plans to return three of these spaceflyers to Earth early Thursday (June 11), officials added (Wall, 2015)"
  6. looks like a good start, now you need to send it to the mun with MOAR BOOSTERS
  7. had the same question a few days ago and I got alot of great suggestions, but I ended up going in this direction
  8. Still a shuttle style, but uses 2 external tanks to keep balanced. This method is so much easier than just using a thousand ASAS modules and main engines pointing in akward directions
  9. check out the full photo gallery with descriptions http://imgur.com/a/0uARm#0 forgot to take any reentry and landing photos, but it follows a standard space plane reentry and landing procedure. It glides extremely well at low altitude and touchdown speed is between 65 and 80 m/s I was shooting for a realistic aircraft look in the design. I was going to put nosecones on the external tanks, but I run stock aerodynamics, so it was just dead weight that I decided to leave off. 100% stock (except for the MJ module)
  10. well, looks like this is a dupe, mods feel free to delete
  11. Now that we have kerbal specialists, we have a need for a 2 man capsule. I just started my new .90 career game and I'm at tear 3 on the tech tree. At this point I would like to be able to take a scientist along with my pilot to get the science bonus for my first orbital missions. Looking at the NASA missions, the Gemini program featured the first orbital flights for the US with a 2 man capsule. I would love to have this progression in ksp. Thoughts?
  12. kerbal alarm clock seems to be working fine
  13. Since the spaceport is down and RT is not on the curse site yet, I can not find a download link Does anyone know where I can get it?
  14. I have a flag planted in my landing zone and mecjeb almost always puts the ship right on top of the flag
  15. ya, the mainsail is part of the original lifting stage (I had 9 mainsails in total asparagus staged) and i had a bit of fuel left over. I had a poodle staged in between the mainsail and the LV-N to use as a mid stage booster, but i didn't end up using it. I ended up aborting the entire mission and i only now realize i didn't have any RCS on the lander.
  16. the mission goal was a maned landing on Duna and Ike for some science. It was a 2 launch mission, csm first, then launched the duner lander and docked them nose to nose apollo style. When I went to escape the Kerbin SOI, I throttled up and this happened. I was able to successfully abort the mission, landed my 4 crew safely on the ground. how do i prevent this? I was using the small docking port (the size of the top of the 1 man command pod)
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