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    Curious George
  1. Sorry for the double reply, more info. It seems that deactivating the Tweakable Everything mod fixes the problem. This creates a new problem for me though because I can't tweak my control surfaces now. I hope this gets fixed soon (by whoever's end the problem is on) because with FAR tweakable control surface angles are pretty important.
  2. I've skimmed the thread and couldn't find a solution. I'm having a problem with the procedural control surfaces. The wings work fine, but whenever I go from the SPH to the runway the side and shape of all of my control surfaces resets. It also happens when I load a previously saved plane in the SPH. This is my first day using this mod, so far I've tried removing other mods that could be causing a conflict but it hasn't helped. Here's a picture of what it looks like after they reset http://i.imgur.com/GenI1PT.png
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