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Everything posted by B1LL60

  1. AJE? Air Jet Engine? Sorry still learning the forum speak
  2. I joined in on another circumnavigation thread but that was rockets, mods and no rules. This is what I was after! You beat me though :-( but I do like what you've done! My attempt the "NKSP - K52 Phoenix Class - SPEEDRUN .3" 7 Jets (5 at cruising height) 32 Intakes 1990 Fuel Time 33.58 mm-ss If anyone can suggest ways to get quicker, flight paths, take off/landing, using certain parts please let me know. I'd accidentally got myself hooked on this challenge a while ago and only recently got into the forums, I'd love to get sub 30min with stock parts, no cheats, no mods just basic Kerbal! http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3280054973723472989/D9C3F056A1BD826C0881BE583A1E82E1371978B1/
  3. Fendleton - "I'm enjoying this challenge. I could build a plane to get around the planet fairly easily.......and I could build a very fast plane fairly easily. Doing both at once has resulted in some of the funniest accidents I've had all year in this game." I hear that! I don't remember the last time I did a purposeful 'rocket in space run', I've just been chasing this dragon :-)! What height are you 'cruising' at? How many engines have you got running at that point? How fast are you going? I've got 34 intakes running 5 engines (7 for take off) at about 37-40 Km at 2050ms(ish, orbit not surface speed) it still cuts out due to lack of air and I can't get past 30min there is time to be made in takeoff/landing. Out of curiosity how much fuel do you have?
  4. That's a pretty sweet plane! What rockets are you using on it? Can you give me a rear view? Also liking the engine nacelles across the back! How much of a gain do you get with them? The radial coolers too? Are they dead weight, do they help? I've been undecided in the past. I'll give the RCS trick a go, I like what you've done there. I'm all for reaction wheels too, but you think I'd need 32 in total?! I'll give it a try and reduce if needed for the weight balance. I've currently got 5, 1 front, 2 rear with 1 on each of the near body jets. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3280054973721994774/D06202BAA186F923C56A0F1E5E9C91D137BFD5A2/ Some good ideas, keep them coming! This is great! I still think sub 30 min can be done with a stock pure air breathing jet, not easily.
  5. With a pure air breathing jet I've only got into an orbit once! Well the lower orbit (periapsis) was about 25Km higher orbit (apoapsis) 100Km, fluked it? I don't know, the jets were using .50(ish) fuel with 0 thrust but I kept accelerating? It all span out when the atmosphere ran out around 70Km but was based on the same plane I've used for this, I did try to keep the nose down but it was too much. Glitch?
  6. Nice, a very active community! Thanks for the responses I am thinking with a Jet only, and still keeping everything as stock as possible. I've tried not to go clipping loads of intakes (I did use the reverse aero spike technique, used on stock albatross) as a count I've got 32 intakes with 7 ramjets, 5 running above 20Km at about 3/4 throttle. I like the idea of intakes at angles and will see if I can get that to work, maybe get them angled down 20-30 degrees and then while nose up at high altitudes they will be more face on. I'll see what happens...
  7. Are there any tips, tricks, pointers anyone can give me to try and eek out a bit to get sub 30 mins? I end up at a cruising height of around 37Km - 42Km and chasing the horizon. I've been giving this a go for a while to get sub 30 min but it's an invisible wall I can't quite get past. Any help much appreciated! I know that's not strictly in the spirit of competition, but isn't the space industry full of collaborative efforts? ;-)
  8. Hi Everyone, new to this forum I'm B1LL60! This is my effort for this challenge, I'd started giving it a go a while back not really being involved in any forums. It's all stock parts, no debug, no cheats, no mods, just standard Kerbal. Did a 90º climb, rotate 180º and gradually level off at about 25km on a heading of 270º. Total time 34.12, my craft the NKSP - K52 Phoenix Class - SPEEDRUN .3 http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/3280054973698881564/3099E04E62CE5FC03C45EF7CE08BDF8A3F98A141/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3280054973698436314/16B143B65C8DAD819793CC699FE5EF786DA5C285/
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