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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. The upbeat song that plays at the main menu in KSP always sounded familiar to me. I've heard something like it before KSP. For some reason Apollo 13, the movie, pops in my head, but it does not seem to have a sufficiently similar music in it. Anyone know what the music is based on, or what it could be similar to?
  2. Nope, Valve didn't help them. They did better than Valve on their own. BMS is a complete reimagining of Half Life 1, done in Source engine, with a lot of details.
  3. You need 1000000000 KSP players to claim such accuracy.Concerning MechJeb, i find even regular SAS/ASAS/avionics a useless waste of mass that sucks the fun out of the flight.
  4. Orbiter takes discipline, KSP just lets you have fun learning. Game-wise, KSP have most of what Orbiter misses - terrain, collision detection, ability to easily build your own ships, etc. Sim-wise, Orbiter have most of what KSP misses - precise physics, wide extendability, docking/space stations/whatnot, real solar system, etc. Both are fun, but it's a different kind of fun.
  5. Tey could have uploaded the whole version to the site.They could have made auto-throttling for downloads on the server site to even out the load. They could have used torrents. They could have done a few things if it wasn\'t a weekend. Etc There is no such thing as overkill. Which will be live by the definition of simultaneity in relativity.Or live as signal arrives, for more mundane definition.
  6. Great job, Squad! KSP\'s awesomeness continues to climb like a competent rocket. One advice for future releases, however: There is no such thing as overkill. So plan your servers as if they would be the only ones broadcasting the first Mars landing live.
  7. Ah, missed that.Chapter 1 might be interesting, but not worth paying for, IMO. These are two separate lines 3 and 4. I don\'t work with Unity, so the code is useless to me. 5. I don\'t like extra paid downloadable content, so i won\'t bother paying for it.
  8. 1. Worthless, can be obtained free from anyone who kept backups. 2. Less than the cost of transcontinental delivery, but yes if i was closer. 3, 4. No use to me. Paying per-item for little extra things in game just sound rude, but that\'s for me. Toys sound like the best idea - part models from KSP, which can be clicked together like legos to make the rockets flown like in game. That could sell well regardless of KSP familiarity, and would also be fun additions to the KSP fans or their kids.
  9. 585. When a kerbal journalist says: 'And that thing on the pad is the rocker. They call it that because you\'d have to be off your rocker to ride one'.
  10. 581. When your ship is so big that Kraken gets it in the low orbit. 582. When a loading delay makes you realize that your Mun slingshot to Minmus goes through the surface 583. When doing a barrel roll tears the wings off
  11. It\'s really peculiar. How do you get around assigning a price to a copy? Do you divide the expected amount of copies sold by the expense invested, and add a little profit margin? Do you set a common-sounding price based on what other games sell for? Could Squad tell how they determine the price to ask, if it\'s not too terribly secret? It should be interesting to see a real world example of such a decision making process. Then again, i came from a culture where software costs ~$2 per CD, ~$3 per DVD, regardless of content. It really is hard to explain over here why does, say, Windows, cost $200 - it\'s a DVD, it should cost $3, period. On topic, $18 still is a reasonable price for a game that can provide nearly unlimited amount of hours of fun - limited only by your imagination and free time. As the hour per $ in entertainment go, that\'s a bargain. Why are there e-mails about price increase going to people who already bought the game?
  12. By the way, the update was on friday. New update schedule, or backlog cleaning ASAP?
  13. It takes much less fuel to get there, but some more navigation.A Mun rocket that lands almost empty on the Mun gets to Minmus almost full. Getting back from the Mun needs two RCS tanks with little margin of error, getting back from Minmus barely uses one. For rules of thumb, just aim 30* ahead of it on a Hohman trajectory, then somewhere around Mun-distance away do a plane adjustment (plane change in low Kerbin orbit is damn inefficient) and timing adjustment, then you\'d hit it easily. Landing there is a PITA - you either have to wait patiently while the ship drifts down, or thrust downwards/forget to brake.
  14. What is odd about it? It falls engine-first from considerable height.And only the engine blew up, the tanks are intact. Sure, you can get away with less tanks and boosters. But the less you have, the less margin of error will there be.As it is, there is enough reserves to make a few mistakes. 1 RCS tank won\'t be enough even if you do everything very precisely. SRBs can be removed with little penalty. Haven\'t tried reducing tanks in ascent or cruise stages. Three winglets should be light enough.SAS is too heavy, an empty fuel tank might cut it, but they are not spawned empty.
  15. 0.12 finally added a destination - the Moon Mun! Now, how do we get there and back? This is a pictorial guide on how this can be done easily. Runs on all-vanilla parts, except for a landing plate strut - the thing below the RCS tanks. Without it, landing this is nightmarishly hard due to RCS tanks explosivity. First off, the vehicle: Top stage is 2 RCS tanks with 4 and 6 RCS on them. Everything below is apparent on the screenshot: Boosters get you up, they you throttle up and start ascending to orbit. We must go towards 90* on the ball. Rule of thumb: pitch to 80 once you reach 10000m (toggle SAS off for that to work), pitch all the way to 0 once you go over 20000 and before 40000. Wait till apoapsis and boost the periapsis above the atmosphere. 150x70 is about the perfect parking orbit Once the time is right, we boost towards the Mun. Rule of thumb: Aim 45 degrees ahead of the Mun, with apoapsis at it\'s altitude (hohmann transfer). The speed at the end of such manoeuvre should be about 3100. Arriving at the Mun. Once at the Pe, lower your orbit till the periapsis is near the surface. Rules of thumb: decelerate to 128 m/s, lowering the Pe to 20 km above the Mun. Once at the Pe, begin braking into descend trajectory. Rule of thumb: Aim for a crater - terrain is smoother there, low orbit is about 550 m/s Kerbinrise... Kerbolrise... Once close enough, begin deceleration. Rules of thumb: decelerate at about 2 km, kill horizontal velocity and leave about 30 m/s of vertical. Descent vertically, use the engine to maintain constant descent velocity, should be enough fuel for that. Once you\'re near the surface, selected the landing spot and killed all horizontal velocity (or plain ran out of fuel), flare up for a couple m/s and detach the cruise stage. Don\'t forget to arm the RCS. Rules of thumb: stay away from the fireball and ignore the screams of your crew. Descent on RCS, be careful to kill all horizontal velocity. If you don\'t want to use plate add-on, then the touchdown should be very precise or the tanks would blow up. With the plate, just touch down carefully. Welcome to the Mun! Let\'s go home. Once again, we aim for 90* direction. Give it some time in suborbital to rise to a respectable altitude. Rule of thumb: 10x10 orbit seems about right. Scenery of the Mun. Time to depart. Rule of thumb: start the burn at the front of the Mun, where the line 'enters' it, burning towards Kerbin. This way you\'ll be cancelling most of it\'s velocity. Accelerating away during another kerbolrise. Rule of thumb: leave the Mun at about 900 m/s to go straight home. Thus leaving like this: And ending up like that: Reduce speed a little to get the Pe below ground, speed should be 500 m/s give or take a dozen. Ocean makes for perfect target, land can be tricky especially if there is no fuel left - parachutes are barely strong enough. Approach... Re-entry... Parachute deployed. Just before you hit, use the remaining RCS propellant to slow down your descent. Irrelevant over water, life-or-death over land. Welcome home. Feel free to find this post useful or provide feedback.
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