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    Curious George
  1. A proud moment in kerbal history. The start of the ksc addiction to exploration, I hear that the moon base installation has been going well, with almost weekly trips to install new modules. Moments before the first kerbal piloted bomb. Unfortunately no TX has been heard from #36 or #37 since last check in. #37 shows good RSSI on carrier but still hasn't TX'd in over a week. The KSC engineer in charge of telemetry has forgotten which type of encoding was used for data on board #36. However he assures us once he figures out how to use fldigi the last transmission will hold the answer to its lack of TX. A sticky note on his desk makes mention of PSK multi carrier whatever that means.
  2. Mun in all her majesty. Probe 36 no longer seems to be transmitting. Perhaps a clue is in the first 32 seconds of it's last transmission. Anyways, ksc has plenty of probes. Probe 37 seems to barely any fuel left. http://www./listen/ej2vkkigx6epmnl/probe37-image023.mp3
  3. Very cool! Latest transmission from probe 36. Bonus points for figuring out the downlink for data. http://www./listen/dnd84xf4q64u068/probe36-report065.wav
  4. Very historic and iconic looking indeed. http://www./listen/11bsm0zhvh7spvc/probe36-image064.wav
  5. I never could get grappled centered enough to burn at full throttle, it was always off a bit and made the ship list. Anyways, latest image from one of my probes: http://www./listen/d8nrmcfhw2cixfo/probe36-image063.mp3
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