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  1. Hey. Maybe I'm reading things wrong, but I'm preeeeeety sure this should work and it isn't. Can anyone help me out? http://imgur.com/a/RPNK9 The top satellite there has a kerbin SOI dish and the first omni. It has an active connection to my KSC. The bottom lander has the first omni, and is only about 250m away from the satellite. I launched them both together with the intention of using the top half as a relay for this and future landings, but for some reason the bottom one isn't connecting at all even though it should be able to connect to the relay and through that my KSC. Is there a maximum supported relays, or is there something else I'm missing?
  2. Hey. Maybe I'm reading things wrong, but I'm preeeeeety sure this should work and it isn't. Can anyone help me out? http://imgur.com/a/RPNK9 The top satellite there has a kerbin SOI dish and the first omni. It has an active connection to my KSC. The bottom lander has the first omni, and is only about 250m away from the satellite. I launched them both together with the intention of using the top half as a relay for this and future landings, but for some reason the bottom one isn't connecting at all even though it should be able to connect to the relay and through that my KSC. Is there a maximum supported relays, or is there something else I'm missing?
  3. Running into an odd problem, hoping someone might have help for me. Every time I run my (admittedly still unfinished) shuttle launch program, I'm getting The weird thing is not that I'm getting a syntax error, but that k-os seems to be trying to run code that it shouldn't be trying to run until several seconds after the first few commands. Here's my code: clearscreen. lock steering to up + r(0,0,-180). print "Five seconds to launch.". set Booster to 1. set Circletime to 0. set Earlytank to 0. wait 1. print "Four.". wait 1. print "Three.". wait 1. print "Two.". wait 1. print "One.". wait 1. lock throttle to 1. stage. lock steering to up + r(10,0,-180). print "Ignition!". wait 5. lock steering to up + r(0,-10,90). print "Tower clear. Starting roll program.". if stage:solidfuel <1 and Booster = 1 { print "Booster separation.". stage. set Booster to 0. } if altitude > 10000 and eta:apoapsis < 60 { lock steering to up + r(0,-45,90). print "Go at throttle up.". } if eta:apoapsis > 60 { lock steering to prograde + r(0,-15,180). print "Turning to prograde marker.". } if stage:liquidfuel < 2400 { toggle ag3. print "Engine 3 shutdown.". } if stage:liquidfuel < 1900 { toggle ag1. print "Engine 1 shutdown.". } if apoapsis > 80500 { lock throttle to 0. print "Orbital insertion 75% complete.". } if apoapsis > 80000 and eta:apoapsis < 5 { lock throttle to 1. print "circularization burn start.". set circletime to 1. } if apoapsis > 80000 and periapsis > 80000 { lock throttle to 0. print "Orbital insertion complete. Good luck!" } if circletime = 1 and eta:apoapsis >10 { lock throttle to 0. print "Coasting to new apoapsis." } if apoapsis >80000 and periapsis >30000 { lock throttle to 0. lock steering to prograde. print "Jettisoning external tank on suborbital trajectory. Give a hoot, don't pollute!". rcs on. wait 10. stage. print "External tank and payload fairing jettisoned. SSMEs 2 and 4 shutdown.". set Earlytank to 1. toggle ag2. rcs off. } if stage:liquidfuel <721 and EarlyTank = 0 { print "External tank empty. Switching to orbital manuevering system.". lock throttle to 0. lock steering to prograde. rcs on. wait 10. stage. print "External tank and payload fairing jettisoned. SSMEs 2 and 4 shutdown." toggle ag2. rcs off. } On an related note, i tried deleting all of the IF statements and just running the first part and what would happen is the shuttle would stage and lock the throttle, but it wouldn't lock the steering or start the gravity turn when it was supposed to - and I know those bits of code should work because they worked on the previous version of k-OS with the same craft. Would appreciate the help of someone with more experience on this mod.
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