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Everything posted by 50ck37

  1. Saying you are located in you harddrive?? Cheapest of the cheaper cheater!!! At most you could say you are located in the RAM, as this days' computers Don't Ever® use the HD to store important information while processing it... Man, I said some BS here hehehe well, you are a cheater, my friend, anyways
  2. @John FX, it seems to me rather improbable that this could be a coincidence. What I would think is that there could be some specific options or configurations that tend to make the game crash. @adsii1970, I'm monitoring both cpu and memory use while playing ksp and it seems to use 100% of one core and 1.7GB of ram only, so I think the problem is not related to scarcity of resources (but my machine is rather small, i5 with 4GB of ram). @katateochi, it is very similar to these! I'll try and update the driver and see if it fix the problem. Nice ship, by the way! Note: if anyone is having this issue, I'm using Debian 8 (jessie) and it seems to come and go. The way I make it go faster is by using the command xrandr. I'm not going to go further with this question, so if you have the problem send me a pm and I'll walk you through the steps. Thanks everybody!
  3. Noted. I just thought it could be related to some functionality that could be specific to some option of the game or one of the mods I am using. As the problem seems to be rare, it seemed like a good opportunity to share insights. I'll just dump the crappy mods that add little and interfere more with the game playability.
  4. 7.5/10 The letter "P" seems to divide both the colors on the picture and the word, but "AIR" is not on the blue part :-P
  5. Hi, I'm not sure if here is the right place to this question, so please (re)move it if it is not... I had a wonderful week of massive playing on my laptop without much problem. Then I installed MJ and AggressiveMode. Today the screen all of a sudden turned green and fuzzy (it was difficult to see, but possible if I tried hard). Searching on the Internet, I saw that some people had this issue when playing games, which could increase the temperature and affect the video signal. The other and sadder possibility would be a faulty graphics card (in my case the card is onboard, as it is a laptop, so I would have to replace the whole motherboard). There's also another one: replace the LCD display. I have opened it today but couldn't find anything unusual. After reconnecting the lcd cable the problem persisted. Well, this is getting really hardware now... In resume: has anybody by chance had this issue with ksp? The best flights to everybody!
  6. Thanks @Dman979! Yours is pretty nice too! I wasn't aware that 1.1 would have so much love multi-core support! Now I can't wait to play 1.1!
  7. 5/10 Could be more robotic and less humanoid (the smiling face) to fit the nickname better
  8. Hi everybody! Returning from a long time without ksp... The 1.0 version is very nice and runs well on my Debian box, which is awesome!
  9. Many of the posts until now reflect my own opinion on the matter, which is: the test was fundamentally flawed because of (at least) being biased by age and nationality, which, by itself would not be a problem if it didn't imply any prerrogatives on the side of the machine, thus, making the test easier. In other words, the chatterbot pretended to be dumb when ignorant when dumb so as to pass a test for intelligence.
  10. http://www.zdnet.com/computer-chatbot-eugene-goostman-passes-the-turing-test-7000030312/ http://time.com/2847900/eugene-goostman-turing-test/ http://www.buzzfeed.com/kellyoakes/no-a-computer-did-not-just-pass-the-turing-test (thanks to Airbornem4) https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140609/07284327524/no-supercomputer-did-not-pass-turing-test-first-time-everyone-should-know-better.shtml (thanks to NovaSilisko) http://www.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2014/jun/09/13-year-old-boy-passes-the-turing-test-spoof Any thoughts?
  11. Criticizing what could be a synaptic-catapult? Cheater. Real players use everything they can to boost the learning process.
  12. Sticking to your current rank even at the language choice? Cheater. Real players boost their argument by making intelligible posts.
  13. Breaking the first rule? Cheater. Real fighters follow the rules to the letter.
  14. Worried about the doctor's degree-getting cheating process? Cheater. Real pacients have their own fever degree control so as to make the other one obsolete.
  15. Is it cheating? Edit: trying to recover the initial subject on a clearly subverted thread and making me watch 8 minutes of nonsense to grasp the meaning of HAX? You, my friend, is cheating. Real players create memes on the fly for the convenience of the readers.
  16. Blaming the System? Cheater. Real players turn it upside down instead
  17. I wonder what kind of game threads these robots would start... for instance: - Kerbal System/ASCII art - only alpha characters allowed - Hack the previous poster's code: make it overflow somehow
  18. There's this one that is really interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_Scientist
  19. You judge people by their demands? Cheater. Real players know better to judge a person by how many times they have won KSP.
  20. Spy Freud slipping?? Cheater. Real spies never reveal themselves by mistake.
  21. Yes, they want to organize it and make it freelly available to everyone, as they say. I don't really trust that, as with great databases come great responsabilities and with great power comes great greed.
  22. Banned for having an anagram of Alex Hat as a nickname.
  23. It is indeed impressive what a machine can do nowadays just by having huge amounts of data available for querying (and, of course, being able to identify a question).
  24. You dare to be right when I am wrong? Cheater. Real players always lose when I am around. Haha
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