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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Ty for the tips i will try it out BTW how do i know how much lift do i need?
  2. Ok i put the thing in orbit with a few fuel left and 4 ugly intakes on the belly of the craft. I obviusly then burnt in the rientry but that's another problem I will try to cut out the fuel line and see what happens, also i will put a rcs system for space and see if i can still reach orbit with the added mass but i'm confident now. TY all
  3. i know about the sound barrier (not sure if going subsonic is better for the climb to 10km) i will try more intakes, the main problem is that i either explode due to overheating (going too fast around 10km) or i get to the rocket engine too fast - - - Updated - - - mmm i have 2 for connecting mid to side and side to mid (but i probably have missed the one on the starboard when i built it again a couple of times) P.S. I'm not sure what's the use for the engine precooler and if here can be helpful
  4. I have also seen the scot manley guide for spaceplanes. The problem with this is that it will explode if i try to fly horizontally at 10 Km to reach about 900 m/s and it will start to burn as rocket a little above 11km and won't have enough deltaV to reach orbit. I also tried to put 2 jet engine and 2 rocket engine but without success How do i have to fly it to make it to orbit give a payload and deorbit? Album
  5. I have problem going above 15-20km, at that height the plane just loses vertical speed.
  6. ok, landed on kerbin, didn't get the complention
  7. I have just left the soi of mun, it should mark the flyby completed (not the whole contract)
  8. yep. My main doubt is on what fly-by means for the game
  9. I have got a turist contract where i need to fly by the mun with a VIP. Now i entered orbit with the mun and went back to Kerbin but the mission wasn't completed. What do i have to do to complete the fly-by mission?
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