Hi TheSonicGalaxy, firstly, great mod. Aesthetically pleasing and technically striking, it's a great addition to Rbray's also fantastic Envionmental Visual Enhancements mod. Now my question and a possible bug report. With retrospect I should have made a capture of the debug log, but I'll ask. This mod uses elements of Real Solar System to work, does that mean the mesh of each astral body is also larger than the stock/EVE mesh. My example, which occured to me just a few moments ago. I went to the Mun in a fresh install to test this mod (alongside my other mods, of course). Firstly, Kerbal Enginner's surface readout was about 2000m out from the surface I touched down on. Now, at this point I'm thinking its an issue with KER. On the return flight I reenter the atmosphere, all fine, chutes get semi deployed as usual, all good. Now it is at this point that EVE decides to bug out, showing the atmos layer through a transparent surface (I know this is EVE as this has happened before, a fresh install usually fixes things), so seeing the surface was no longer a possibilty, not a problem, it's all pretty automatic from here. I open KER surface readout once more, and again, about 2000m above where KER thinks the surface is the CM just explodes. Hitting F3, the flight recorder indeed states that the pod crashed with the surface. As the chutes failed to fully deploy I'm beginning to think that the RSS components are raising the terrain's collision mesh but the game thinks the actual terrain is 2km lower. Now I'm going to retry this after making a fresh install of my build as it may have been a one off occurance, but is this a possible glitch with either BA or EVE? Not to point the finger at BA but I did not have this issue with EVE alone. Will keep an eye on KER also, see if the current version is bugged in some way. Again it may have been just that install. I regularly back up my saves so I can test this reentry time and time again 'til it works, over different installs. Thanks for your time if you get to read this, and any response or comment will be great EDIT: Additional info. Other than the module included in BA I otherwise do not use RSS. The only graphics improvement/management mods I use are EVE and Active Texture Management. As regards the EVE bug I described, that was due to an optional tweak for Duna that was based off the older 7.2 version of EVE. The current version, 7.3, is the one I use (recently decided to try the HD textures) and does not suffer from this bug as Rbray got it fixed. Please note this post is questioning the 2km difference between the terrain that BA gives and where the game believes the terrain to be. Pingopete, this edit was started before your reply, sorry!