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    Curious George
  1. @SSSputnik: I think I its better not to add up points. (they are negative ) @shynung: You can send as many ships to LKO as you want. The important thing is that you send them as one Vessel to Jool. Additional refuelingships are allowed. For your Lander. Aerospikes aren't as easy to control as other engines so you might wanna add some RCS to help the reactionwheels in the Landercan. You will also need some batteries or solarpanels in order to turn your Vessel when the engines aren't running. The LV-T45 looks longer than your Landinglegs and you don't wanna land on it. You should also test if your ladderdesign works since there is no jetpack on Tylo. And if you are unsure about your dV, you could add some tanks since your TWR is high enough.
  2. hi, i'm newly registerd to this Forum, but i've been following this Challenge for quite some time now. And now i have my own ship to submit. Its a Kethane SSTO, which was quite challening to build. About the Ship Weight on Launchpad: 379,130 t Engines: 5 Orbital Bertha (2.5m) (Novapunch) 8 LV-T30 The LV-T30 are turned off, if the TWR is high enough without them, to get some more dV. dV: Amto dV with LV-T30: 5357 m/s Amto dV without LV-T30: 5408 m/s Vac dV with LV-T30: 6352 m/s Vac dV without LV-T30: 6473 m/s Crew: Jebediah I used aside from Kethane the following Mods: MechJeb, Protractor and Novapunch Since its a Sandbox game i don't have the Surfacesamples required for the Low-Mass-Challenge, but i meet every other condition. Similar like the other Kethane SSTO I refueled at Minmus first. Then I tried to get to Jool directly, but it didn't work. So i brought the Ship back to a 140km orbit around Kerbin, before executing the Transfer for Jool. At Jool I tried to go to Vall first but my Vessel was too short of dV. The Solution for my dV Shortage I was a Laythe Landing, since the Atmosphere would do most work for me. But at Laythe i had another Problem, which was almost no Kethane on land. After Laythe my dV was so low again, that Vall or Tylo were out of the Question. So i decided to go to Pol, which was relatively easy. After Pol the rest was not troublesome anymore since I always had enough dV and found enough Kethane.
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