hi, i'm newly registerd to this Forum, but i've been following this Challenge for quite some time now. And now i have my own ship to submit. Its a Kethane SSTO, which was quite challening to build. About the Ship Weight on Launchpad: 379,130 t Engines: 5 Orbital Bertha (2.5m) (Novapunch) 8 LV-T30 The LV-T30 are turned off, if the TWR is high enough without them, to get some more dV. dV: Amto dV with LV-T30: 5357 m/s Amto dV without LV-T30: 5408 m/s Vac dV with LV-T30: 6352 m/s Vac dV without LV-T30: 6473 m/s Crew: Jebediah I used aside from Kethane the following Mods: MechJeb, Protractor and Novapunch Since its a Sandbox game i don't have the Surfacesamples required for the Low-Mass-Challenge, but i meet every other condition. Similar like the other Kethane SSTO I refueled at Minmus first. Then I tried to get to Jool directly, but it didn't work. So i brought the Ship back to a 140km orbit around Kerbin, before executing the Transfer for Jool. At Jool I tried to go to Vall first but my Vessel was too short of dV. The Solution for my dV Shortage I was a Laythe Landing, since the Atmosphere would do most work for me. But at Laythe i had another Problem, which was almost no Kethane on land. After Laythe my dV was so low again, that Vall or Tylo were out of the Question. So i decided to go to Pol, which was relatively easy. After Pol the rest was not troublesome anymore since I always had enough dV and found enough Kethane.