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  1. This sorta popped into my head out of the blue, but I think it would be cool to have a limited amount of kerbals to use. Of course you could probably set that number based on the difficulty or turn off the option completely. This would especially be cool on ironman mode games as you have to keep every kerbal you've got safe or else game over when you run out! I think it's a cool idea.
  2. It looks cool, but I mean, anyone could mistake it for a space laser being used as a weapon to destroy your enemies. Just sayin'
  3. Wait! What! When did this happen? I just got on today. Is this a new update?
  4. Yup, you buy the game thinking it will be easy WRONG You buy the game thinking it will be a game to play in your off time or for short breaks WRONG AGAIN! This game not only consumes your time, but also your life, you will slowly stop communicating with family and loved ones.... Next KSP will take your soul and you will lose sleep and next thing you know everything you look at reminds you of KSP... This is just the beginning...
  5. Well, you don't necessarily need a contract to land tourists on the sun... All you need is the tourists and an abort sequence to save yourself whilst you see your once trusting tourists burn a fiery hot death in their exploding ship as they near their demise getting closer and closer to the hot flaming sun! The music i'm listening to at the moment (No Time For Caution) from the interstellar OST really fits what i'm writing:P
  6. Not much, just returning some kerbals from the mun.... and forgetting a heat shield....
  7. It is really satisfying that the the propellers spin so fast, but never touch +1
  8. You should make a Millenium Falcon (If you know what i'm sayin')
  9. But, at that time, Female Kerbals didn't exist!
  10. If I recall, backin .24 while installing some mods, I saw my folder said last edited Nov. 2013, I'm going to assume that's when I bought it
  11. I spent two hours learning how the new aerodynamics model works, making planes and ssto's
  12. I like both. I play both because that's the whole reason I bought the game. To experience it to the fullest, and I just can't do that playing only one mode.
  13. Yeah, But I usually engineer rockets to go to one place not stop at one place and then move on, so my rocket didn't have the fuel capacity(or the drills) to get off the mun so I just crashed into the lander with a rover in a fit of anger:P I just cant understand why people don't want to tour space with me anymore....
  14. Dang tourists..... First tourist: Oooh! I want to orbit the Mun! Second: I want to go on Minmus! Third: Land Me on the Mun! Me:AGHHHHH CHOOSE ONE PLACE TO GO!!!!!!!
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