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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks guys, i do believe i found my problem with fuel efficiency, i didn't know when to turn my ship and what direction. i forgot most of the basic maneuvers tutorial so i'm gonna reread that. Appreciate all this
  2. I downloaded KER but im confused by what you guys mean by twr and deltav. ker is very confusing and hasnt helped me at all aswell >_<
  3. thanks, i have 20 hours on this game and im still rather clueless xD
  4. So from the start i've always had several problems with the game and i'd like them cleared up. 1: i always run out of most of my fuel just before i can get to orbit, how do i become more fuel efficient? 2: What are some good ship designs/builds? here is my current one but i run out of all of my fuel when im in an attempt to make an orbit around kerbin: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/612798735203417526/7B2F800C6EF62D31ECBE39C01160E5F04815CCE1/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/612798735203431333/679C9256D0459436C1F224D3BF1615DDA52F90BF/ im decent at landing ships and stuff (landed on the mun) but i'm really bad at fuel efficiency and building ships.
  5. 18 hours into the game and i cant get to the mun, i know how and i can land very well. its just all the tutorials on ship making are outdated and im not very good at making them myself.
  6. 18 hours on ksp and still havent landed on the mun, mainly because all the tutorials on making ships are very outdated. Does anyone know good ships to download and use? i know how to properly land and get off the mun, i just suck at making legitimate vehicles
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