Hi there! First of all I wanna thank you all for an awesome job on creating this mod. That being said, I have some problems. I believe someone mentioned it earlier, openresourcesystem is creating problems for this mod (or maybe its something else, but deleting it solves whatever the problem is and the mod starts working properly). The pods, while openresourcesystem is installed, all of them, lose all IVA functionalities, save for some light switches here or there. The screens become greyed out and do not work when i press the buttons around them. The previous problem had something to do with an outdated version of the activetexturemanagement. I however have the latest versions of both the ATM and RPM. In fact I downloaded them both today =). Anyways, here are my ksp.log (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1093844/KSP.log) and output.log (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1093844/output_log.txt) files: Oh and btw I am on steam version 0.23.5 (windows 7) and running lots of mods, interstellar, deadly reentry, lots of texture enhancements (distant object, cool rockets, hot rockets vs.), mechjeb, scansat, the list goes on and on. And modulemanager 2.1. Cheers!