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Posts posted by Trebiane

  1. Hey first of all great mod, thanks a lot.

    Second of all, I know this has been posted as an issue a number of times prior to my post, but nobody has found (or even if they did, posted) a fix for this so here goes: I just got the first contract for this mod, which was to complete the plant growth experiment in orbit around Kerbin. So I put together a spacecraft including the science lab thingy, and the plant bay thingy. However once I reached a fairly circular orbit around 100K meters, I found that no Eurekas were being generated. Yes the lab was manned and yes it did say operational, and yes I started the experiment but zilch.

    So what do you guys reckon?

    NOTE: I am obviously running some other mods as well, most notably: FAR, Interstellar, RemoteTech2, KAS, IR, RPM, SCANsat...

  2. So mechjebrpm and scansatrpm won't function for me. The log file shows the following. Any ideas?

    [ERR 04:29:21.990] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'MechJebRPM': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

    at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    Additional information about this exception:

    System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MechJebRPM.MechJebRPM' from assembly 'MechJebRPM, Version=0.16.5223.32098, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

    System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MechJebRPM.MechJebRPMVariables' from assembly 'MechJebRPM, Version=0.16.5223.32098, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

    System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MJMenu' from assembly 'MechJebRPM, Version=0.16.5223.32098, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

    [ERR 04:29:22.006] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'SCANsatRPM': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

    at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

    at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    Additional information about this exception:

    System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'SCANsatRPM.JSISCANsatRPM' from assembly 'SCANsatRPM, Version=0.16.5223.32097, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

    System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'MapMarkupLine' from assembly 'SCANsatRPM, Version=0.16.5223.32097, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

  3. Hey all! Funny thing happened. The fuel balancer bugged during mid flight and has been refusing to open from the toolbar ever since. I am running all sorts of mods, but I haven't made any changes recently and the balancer has been working fine until now. Did you see something like this?

    EDIT: Nevermind, did a reinstall and its working fine!

    EDIT2: To clarify, I reinstalled the mod and not the game.

  4. Green Skull has released a set of configs to improve the quality of most IVA views without sacrificing much in the way of memory load. See here. I was having issues with ATM, RPM, the ALCOR pod, and Green Skull's configs. We eventually determined that blacklisting the ALCOR pod and RPM was the best way to resolve those issues. I did have screenshots up showing grey RPM screens in various pods. However, I deleted them recently as the issue had been cleared up.

    Wow, installing Green Skull's configs worked! Thank you kind sir. One other thing though and pardon my ignorance but when you say blacklisting, do you mean blacklisting the mods from ATM or just saying that interstellar and alcor+rpm just are not meant to work side by side?

    EDIT: I just deleted the ASET.cfg and JSI.cfg files from the BoulderCo\ActiveTextureManagerConfigs and eveything is working as it should as ALCOR Pod was still messed up despite Green Skull's cfgs. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

  5. Yep, it's the Interstellar mod. I have no clue whether a fix has been found already. Will be looking aruond in there to see if anything useful is posted.

    Asked around at interstellar mod's page and found this.

    I installed it and voila, RPM functions now. However, if you installed the ALCOR Pod, it still has problems. And I have no idea whether this does anything negative to the insterstellar. I am on the 4th tier or so, and haven't unlocked anything interstellar yet.

    EDIT: Better yet, I just deleted the ASET.cfg and JSI.cfg files from the BoulderCo\ActiveTextureManagerConfigs and kept everything else from Green Skull's configs and everything is working as it should. All the pods are fine. Just back the cfg files up for good measure.

  6. Testing has shown that the radial intakes from B9, when MM'd to have a Precooler show as having the Precooler offline, while a regular precooler (also from B9) with an intake mounted to a node in the usual way has the Precooler online. All of this just after loading a spaceplane onto the runway. No flight testing was performed as I figured it unnecessary.

    Are you certain it's ORS causing this? I had a similar issue with Active Texture Management and using Green Skull's configs for it. This may be your cause also if you're using his configs, or ones you customized. ATM and RPM do not play well together and RPM stuff should be blacklisted for ATM.

    Edit: Was there a workaround for ATM changing the FTL effects to black instead of the blue/red they are supposed to be?

    Well I am not certain that ORS is causing this, but when I delete ORS, RPM starts to work. Now I never tried deleting ATM as it is the most essential mod there is, but it might be causing problems as well. What do you mean by Green Skull's configs?

  7. Hello there. Can someone tell me whether it is possible or not to play career mode with interstellar without the openresourcesystem? The ORS is causing the RPM (Rasterpropmonitor) to not function. I.E. the cockpits which RPM gave functionality and working screens are not functioning and the screens are greyed out. I posted this problem to the RPM section, but alas, no one has any solution, so a temporary one would be to delete the ORS and hence I am asking you guys!

    Cheers, and if I haven't said it before, a truly stellar mod =).

  8. Deleting OpenResourceSystem removed the errors. However, after much trial and error I discovered OpenResourceSystem was not getting along with an outdated version of Active Texture Management causing my problems. I apparently hadn't upgraded to version 2-15 when I thought I had. Thank you for this amazing mod.

    Hey sandmanx could you elaborate your fix? Do OpenResourceSystem and RPM work together now?

  9. I second that, it was that folder for me as well. As soon as I removed it (along with the rest of the interstellar mod) everything started working again great! Thanks Trebiane for finding it.

    Hehe no problem, actually it was SandmanX who found it first so props to him as well.

    Anyways, I am playing career mode, so i guess openresourcesystem is necessary for the interstellar mode? Did anyone find a way to make the osr work rpm?

  10. Hi there!

    First of all I wanna thank you all for an awesome job on creating this mod. That being said, I have some problems.

    I believe someone mentioned it earlier, openresourcesystem is creating problems for this mod (or maybe its something else, but deleting it solves whatever the problem is and the mod starts working properly). The pods, while openresourcesystem is installed, all of them, lose all IVA functionalities, save for some light switches here or there. The screens become greyed out and do not work when i press the buttons around them.

    The previous problem had something to do with an outdated version of the activetexturemanagement. I however have the latest versions of both the ATM and RPM. In fact I downloaded them both today =).

    Anyways, here are my ksp.log (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1093844/KSP.log) and output.log (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1093844/output_log.txt) files:

    Oh and btw I am on steam version 0.23.5 (windows 7) and running lots of mods, interstellar, deadly reentry, lots of texture enhancements (distant object, cool rockets, hot rockets vs.), mechjeb, scansat, the list goes on and on. And modulemanager 2.1.


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