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The Right Stuff

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Posts posted by The Right Stuff

  1. Hey everyone. I'm still pretty new to KSP, but I wanted some input on a space shuttle mod. I really don't know much about add-ons but can't wait to fly a shuttle. I'm looking for the following:

    -realistic looking shuttle, not stock parts

    -a mod that does NOT require mech jeb or any other additional mods.

    -want a shuttle that is functional (not just for looks), i.e. working cargo bay, docking ability, can haul parts, etc.

    If their is a mod out there that fits these criteria, I'd love to know about it. Thanks.

  2. Hey all. I'm having trouble getting into polar orbits- that is, making my orbit cross the north and south pole. I'll admit, being a new player, I'm not very efficient on fuel usage. So, if I'm in more or less orbiting around the equator, what is the best way to start crossing the poles without making my apoapsis or periapsis an insane altitude? Thanks.

  3. Hey everyone, new player here but starting to get the hang of it...a little. I've made three successful trips to the Mun now, and I'm generating a ton of science. I see a lot of youtube videos of folks making probes and/or satellites which look like fun. My question is why? Besides being fun, are there any practical reasons for building them? Do they generate science that make it worthwhile? All the videos I've seen have guys building and launching probes/sats but no reason for doing so? How do they help? Thanks a bunch. Peace.

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