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Everything posted by tommypops

  1. I'm thinking it being used as an actual space shuttle, one that's cost effective. Basically what could have been had NASA's shuttles been privately owned. So having them as a crew transporter to LEO would be nice. Maybe impractical, but ehh.
  2. True, but I barely remember it. TUBM has KSP bought on steam!
  3. Everything from .21.1, when I started, except for .23.5 and 32 bit though I do have the 64 bit .24.2. Backups FTW
  4. The demo, even after I bought the game. The demo was less laggy though. My brother was watching something on TV, and I was very shaky, but after pulling it off, running up and down the corridor a couple times and posting a million Facebook and Twitter posts, I managed to splash Jeb down back home. Then I did it in the full version, and the rest is history.
  5. Wow. Read this all in a week. Amazing work, keep it up! I already can't wait for moar!
  6. When you have finished riding your bike up your circular street in a progr-erm... Counterclockwise direction, you spin around to cancel out your relative velocity to the house, but luckily, when you fall, your launch esca- erm... Bike helmet saves you. this actually happened. Don't daydream about KSP while riding a bike!
  7. When Gravity, Interstellar, Armageddon, and all those space movies make you RAGE because of their crappy orbital mechanics. and panning the view. I have a pretty reentry scene as my desktop background, and I always right-click and drag. ALWAYS.
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