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Everything posted by Scarredclown

  1. When is it the best time to retrograde back to kerbin ? Apoapsis or periapsis ? Also, in the career mode i have the orbit kerbin mission. i'm orbiting and i dont unlock it ? is it because my orbit isnt perfect ?
  2. Rotating the ship is not a problem, its more how to align it so that it will be ok with my nav ball... Sorry English is not easy for me...
  3. I'm trying to build a rocket to launch my first kerbal into orbit. My problem is that when i stage off my two big "thumper solid fuel boster" with my radial decoupler, they stay close and broke the liquid fuel engine on my main rocket. I try to put two radial decoupler on the booster but they dont seem to attach correctly and they stay on when staging off. 1- how to put two radial decoupler in line that attach correctly ? 2- how to rotate a ship correctly in the hangar so that it is facing the 90 degree (for the orbit)
  4. I'm always short by a few seconds... and none left for reentry., if i add mor tank, heavier rocket...less altitude...
  5. I manage to climb my rocket at about 80 k, and when i made my maneuver node to orbit, i always get a 47 seconds burn... i would like to shorten that. What can i do ? Its not a big rocket.
  6. In fact, once i decided not to revert the flight. I succeeded in a contract that was bugging me and i decided to let go Valentina...
  7. I'm starting the game and i must say I've crashed a lot of rockets. I then revert either to the assembly or the laucnhing pad. Is there any reason i shouldnt do this ? I dont see the point in killing my kerbals ...
  8. I'm pretty sure that my rpoblem is that my rentry speed is way too fast, about 1200 m/s . It burn my chute before i even got a chance to open it. All the rocket i made go way too high. I seem to be stuck at that point in career mode. Cant explore the map, to create the arc needed to go some place take me too high then burning my chutes.
  9. In fact i have a small craft. I'm at the beginning of the career mode. I'll get more detail on my next flight.
  10. I've tried different things and i'm still burning a lot of parachutes. When i try to open them at about 3000 m i very often get the message that the chute have burned...
  11. I have just installed mechjeb, but i didnt see anything in my game. I have to unlock it ? How ?
  12. Where i can download these mods ? And also what the difference between these two ? Are they compatible with the newest version of KSP ?
  13. yep thanks for your answer... First, sorry next time i'll post in the right forum. second from all your explications, my angle was really to steep. it was a vertical launch followed by a vertical descent... lol
  14. I launch a rocket that climb 100 km up, i was very glad, got 4 contracts in one shot. But my capsule exploded in reentry, i was going at about 2100 km/h . I even put a heat shield Under the capsule but it all goes up in a big bang.... What have i done wrong ? My first guess is that i must keep some fuel to brake before reentry ? What is the acceptable speed ? Also sorry for my English...
  15. I've started a new campaign and its been a while since i have played. Any hint of what to do first ? which building to upgrade ? I've played a bit and try some mission. Some mission are not doable with the stuff i have unlocked.
  16. I'm starting a new career game, i made a small rocket that bring me to 110 000 m. When i reenter, my mk16 always burn off and then i crash...killing Jeb ! I havent played in a while so maybe i'm missing something ?
  17. After having a brief pause from playin Kerbal, last night i finally land on the Mun, my biggest problem was the horizontal speed. I think i finally got it. Next step for me is an orbit rendez vous ! Any good tutorial ?
  18. lol That is crazy....in the good sense of it i mean
  19. When i am in flight or in orbit, and i place a maneuver node saying i will need a burn of 25 seconds and i click on my tank and it says 290, it means that i have up to 29 secs burn at max throttle ?
  20. The problem solved itself...i was triyng to go back in the capsule and the game bugged. The whole mission just disapear and jeb was place in the missing in action file... I resolved the problem by fliyng an old débris and then F9 to load my last quicksave a few seconds before landing But just to know, was it possible to lift off the planet in that position ? (sorry for my bad English...)
  21. I Just landed succesfully on minmus. My lander is a bit rocket like, my problem is that it fall back on the side during landing. Luckily i'm on high ground. is it possible to launch from minmus ?
  22. I guess using the jetpack is not already an option for me....the two time i use it, i lost some good kerbals into space...lol
  23. How to use the big science lab ? The one that hold a two kerbal crew ? Must i land it on a planet or can i use it in space ? I try to use it on the landing pad but nothing happened...
  24. I know its completely useless but in a near update i would like to have some kind of roster to our crew. like the number of flight done , where, walking on what planet. Also experience gained and if we can give them some medal... completely useless...but fun.
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