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Everything posted by CosmosX

  1. Can you tell me your e-mail adress? i do not use skype. plus, can you make sure about the deadline? i believe that deadline is friday 6pm, CDT plz reply me via : mgkid3310@naver.com
  2. Team Uzuro Final change ssdd_9 is now a member of us and is it able to work with three members on a team?
  3. I edited the google doc a few seconds ago. plz check it.
  4. First, i've gotta say that there could be some points already said by other people. you said physics would work same as real world? then where could be no L points. since there are two moons, the L point will be unstable as time passes. It's really easy to caculate L point between two points, but between three points would be almost impossible. Now, let's make this problem little bit easier. if minmus diapeares, the L point will have same position with Earth-Moon L point. since all gravitational forces are same in KSP with real world(Kerbin's g = Earth's g, Mun's g = Moon's g), physical caculation will be exactly same. for sure, this work has some problems since radiuses are different. BUT, differences are so small that we can ignore that. I might have some problems with my thoughts, so tell me if you see any problems.
  5. The 7th picture is showing Katurn-5 seperating intersage between 1st and 2nd stage
  6. Pictures View : http://imgur.com/a/c7G1Y Pictures Download : https://www.dropbox.com/s/dlmlj7g27mnq7zz/Kpollo.zip .craft file Download : https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0sy3q1stamcsc3/Kpollo-Ready.craft
  7. Kpollo-Ready is made up of two parts, Kpollo orbiter, lander and Katurn-5 Link for more pictures (has some pictures missing) : http://cafe.naver.com/kspkorcommunity/152 Link for all pictures downlaoad (has all pictures) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/dlmlj7g27mnq7zz/Kpollo.zip Link for .craft file download : https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0sy3q1stamcsc3/Kpollo-Ready.craft I've resetted all custom AGs before i upload .carft file.
  8. Hello eveyone, i'm CosmosX Today, i'm here to introduce you Kpollo project. This is my latest projects. For more pictures including landing on mun and return, folow this link : http://cafe.naver.com/kspkorcommunity/152 In order to download pictures including those that were not posted in the upper link, follow this link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/dlmlj7g27mnq7zz/Kpollo.zip Download Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0sy3q1stamcsc3/Kpollo-Ready.craft All custom AGs are empty. This .craft file is for VAB. Required mods : MechJeb, pFaring
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