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Everything posted by LordofRockets

  1. Yes however many of them do not complete their jobs in a matter of a few days, things like space telescopes and things meant for data gathering over time are meant for long term scientific data, not quick and done.
  2. I've sent many probes to orbit planets or moons to gain science, however these are usually in earlier parts of the current career system. So I send these probes out and I send back all my information that they gather and then... they're useless. I commonly send them into the planet they are orbiting to gain atmospheric data on the way down to get a final amount of science out of them before they impact. I feel there should be a system that passively gives a small amount of science for leaving these probes in orbit around another terrestrial body and maintaining them. There would obviously have to be some balancing mechanics so people don't just leave them in space and time warp for max science, however with the plans for reputation should fix that problem. If you're not launching constant space missions you're space program is obviously worthless so you're reputation drops. But say later in the game you have probes orbiting every body, perhaps your reputaion can be based also on the rate at which you gain science, so for having many probes gathering large amounts of science continuously you get better reputation. I've read into the current planned release of 0.23 however it doesn't solve this problem and there is no mention of it even being a problem yet so I thought I might as well say something.
  3. Looking around the main thing Squad has found as for problem for Multiplayer are the problems engaged by creating it more so than lacking the ability to do it due to game code problems. So perhaps, and I understand it may not be possible at all, it might be easier to implement a form of co-op multiplayer. Where you and your friends fly a single craft together as different Kerbals. Merely an idea that could add a few things to enjoyment, you for one would be able to share you gameplay with a friend directly, even more direct than multiplayer through multiple crafts or competitive space programs. There could be implementations of each person having limited roles and abilities, for example you could do a pilot and a navigator. The pilot cannot access the map but can fly the space craft, the navigator can access the map but cannot fly the spacecraft. This would make for some great amounts of cooperation and probably quite a bit of swearing and yelling I just wanted to hear peoples thoughts on this idea and maybe it could be the source of an earlier implementation of a basic multiplayer. This game is much more fun when shared with friends as I've experienced through the KMP mod.
  4. Just checking how many KSP users play Eve Online, post up here if you do If you don\'t and like both space ships and explosions go check it out. Fly safe.
  5. Here is a great step by step guide to get yourself in to orbit, made by my favorite astrophysicist. It\'s an older video, but nothing has changed in the ability to do this. He has made many other video\'s that you might like to check out.
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