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Everything posted by watmatt

  1. I am unable to undock my landers from the transfer vehicle. I was able to click the undock button but nothing happened. The Docking port on the transfer vehicle shows "Status: Locked". http://imgur.com/a/5leMZ I checked the .sfs file for state = Ready line for both ships and it was not there. I added it with no change in behavior. When I double checked the .sfs file that entry had been removed from both sections. I'm not sure what else to try.
  2. Thanks for the idea of manually remapping. I looked in the settings and did not see that function as mappable.
  3. I'd suggest that the Shift Key be used ONLY for throttle. I have screwed up too many orbits because it also mapped to Reverse cycle focus in orbital map. I'm cycling thru plants on the the map and look down and see my throttle max'd.
  4. Root part upside down. I'm pretty sure thats it. I did clicked the docking port and selected control from here. When I added the docking port to the underside of the lander, I flipped it. Thanks for the responses.
  5. I've had pretty good success with basic ship design and getting my landers to Mun and Minmus with enough fuel for the return trip to Kerbin. But I'm having trouble building ships that have separate landing and return stages. My goal was to build a ship that used a Command Module (CM) as transfer/return stage for the trip to and from my target. Once there, I want to separate a lander for trips to the surface and back. I am using single Kerbonaut command pods that I will transfer between lander and CM as needed. I was able to get my transfer vehicle and lander to Munnar orbit and separate the lander. As I was controlling the lander all the controls and NaviBall were reversed. ???? Any help or suggestions are appreciated. -m
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