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Everything posted by Addle

  1. You know what's better than a new version? More new versions! Seriously, though, I recompiled and updated it for KSP 1.0.2: https://github.com/RealGrep/NavHud/releases So hopefully Ninenium didn't waste any time merging the previous version and releasing it so he doesn't also have to do this twice. lol
  2. Wow, ok, well. Two patches in one day. lol So here's version build against KSP 1.0.2: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases Hopefully that's all the KSP patches for one day.
  3. Well, I did a quick recompile of NavHud against KSP 1.0.1 and bumped up the version number to Note that version 1.2.0 likely works just fine on 1.0.1. Recompile is just in case, and of course, .version file for KSP-AVC is updated so it won't complain at you. You can find it at the totally unsurprising location of https://github.com/RealGrep/NavHud/releases m4ti140, that really doesn't seem like an issue with NavHud. We don't really touch the staging in any way, nor have I heard of this problem from other NavHud users. If you can reproduce that error with only NavHud installed, and can get me a log to go with it, I will take a look, though. SanderB, thanks for the suggestions. We'll keep that in mind when we have time for new features.
  4. Well, you know the drill. KSP 1.0.1 was just released, and here's a version recompiled against it, with updated version numbers. The previous one probably works fine, but at least KSP-AVC won't complain. Find it at the usual place: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases Enjoy, you beautiful people! <3
  5. Ok, sorry about forgetting to merge Ninenium's waypoint stuff in first. Release kept my busy and sleepless, so I didn't have time. I have now found the time. A new version is up at the usual place: https://github.com/RealGrep/NavHud/releases This is the same, working in 1.0, but with the waypoint functionality. Off to you, Ninenium!
  6. So, I have a version working for KSP 1.0 on my github, but I still need to merge some of Ninenium's code into it from his last update, I believe, and put out another release candidate for him. I will do this tonight, but I've been up for a long time and I must sleep first. If you really can't wait, then you can use the version at https://github.com/RealGrep/NavHud/releases . It works in 1.0. But expect an update from me in the next 12 hours. I assume Ninenium will then pull my changes and release an official version, as per usual. Enjoy, and more coming soonish.
  7. And here it is, Protractor for KSP 1.0. Enjoy! Mostly, I just had to do a few small changes to accommodate API differences. And thanks to Squad and the entire KSP community. You're all awesome. So, quick enough for ya? It's in the usual place: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases
  8. CKAN seems to be having issues keeping some mods up to date. Specifically, new .ckan metadata is not being built for new versions. KSP-AVC sees the updates, but not CKAN. Short list: NavyFish's DPAI, QuickScroll and QuickSearch. I've been waiting days for it to recognize the Quick* mods have an update. Take QuickSearch. 1.0 is the latest here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/tree/master/QuickSearch Although it's down at the moment, https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/472/QuickSearch shows a 1.1 version from about 2 days ago. Hope that can be resolved, because if my users end up with old versions of my stuff, I just can't recommend they use CKAN for it, at the moment. Nothing like having bugs reported that you've already fixed because someone has an old version. Luckily, I have every confidence you'll find the problem. It has a few issues, but I see some good work being done.
  9. Thanks so much to Rosco P. Coltrane and Kowgan. I really appreciate your efforts to figure out why that icon was going away. Really strange that it calls OnDestroy for another ship going out of physics range. Maybe a good reason I'm not aware of, but either way, that enabled me to fix it. Sorry it took a little bit, but fixed it is. I also added CKAN support. I presume the .netkan file will be accepted soon, as I made a pull request. So should be coming along soon, now. EDIT: Yep, the NetKAN people seem to be on the ball, it's there. Enjoy! Indeed, and I *love* that model. XD Though I've been meaning to update the videos in the OP, so it may not stay there, but thank you for the video and the model suggestion! I love the users of this mod. You all rock! That said, new version is up with the fix and .netkan file added to the sources: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases/tag/v2.4.16
  10. Wow, that's rather interesting. Thanks for the detective work! Certainly seems like a stock bug. But I should be able to work around it like MJ did.
  11. Nice! Thanks, I appreciate it. I will look at getting CKAN up and going with it. Shouldn't be terribly difficult. Just haven't had much time, lately. But look into it, I shall.
  12. You know, I had this problem last night with about 200+ people watching me do an Apollo recreation. Sort of put a crimp on things. I had tested it the night before and docked to the LEM just fine. Last night, it would not attach no matter what I did. I have full video of all of this, and if that's helpful at all, I can get you a link and the time to jump to. So yeah, same question, was I doing something wrong here? I tried repeatedly and nothing worked. It just would not dock. I would really love to be able to do this recreation again, but having this happen with hundreds of viewers watching was not good. That said, this is such an amazing mod, really. Breathtaking. You folks are quite talented.
  13. I will take a look at adding that waypoint for FinePrint in the near future. Unless Ninenium beats me to it. A bit busy, being the holiday season, but I'll try and find the time as soon as I can. And yes, AppLauncher support is something I need to do. I don't personally use it much and prefer Toolbar, but I'd rather it use the AppLauncher than the custom button we have now when Toolbar isn't installed. Helix935, not sure exactly what you mean. The lines are visible from IVA through the windows, if you have the hud turned on.
  14. The Linux 64 bit client was crashing loading a flag, just like before, without the two zeroed offsets. Clearly, the binary patch is still required. So, I've found the new offsets for 0.90. It does indeed fix the issue for me. However, use at your own risk! Make a backup of your original KSP.x86_64 binary before you do this. So these are the new commands required to fix that annoying bug in 0.90: echo "0099e747: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64 echo "0099e74c: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64 If you could update the OP with these, sal_vager, it would be appreciated. For future reference, this is the series of bytes that you need to look for: 01 00 00 00 b8 01 00 00 00 c3 41 56 41 55 49 Both the 01's need to be changed to 00, basically. That fingerprint obviously is still correct.
  15. Thanks! It's for people like you that I keep this alive. And me, of course. But I really appreciate it. I wonder if people will find new use for Protractor with no nodes in the early game. Seems likely. I wanted to add "Who Needs Nodes Edition!" to the thread title, but it didn't fit. But, yeah, who needs nodes!
  16. Well, that'll be up to Ninenium. He just needs to check my changes, pull them into his repo, and make a release the usual way. And I love that you love NavHud. Love your videos!
  17. Probably still worked, but as usual, here's a new version v2.4.15 for KSP 0.90. Recompiled, updated version numbers and supported KSP version, and removed some dead and deprecated code. See the OP for details. Available in the usual place: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases/tag/v2.4.15 Have fun! Hope you're all enjoying 0.90.
  18. Hi everyone, I figured with 0.90 released, a new version for 0.90 was in order. I've put my latest version in the usual place (https://github.com/RealGrep/NavHud/releases, as in the first post). Changes are shown there. Let me know if you have issues, of course! A pull request has been made to Ninenium's repository so he can review the changes and presumably make an official release. Enjoy!
  19. Any link to the changed sources would do. But as technicalfool said, it's on github. So it can be forked, the change made and pushed back to github, and a link to that github provided. Can even use github's release functionality to host the archive for installing. That's the best way, in my opinion, but even including the changed source in a zip with the rest would do. Would just need to say "The source code with the small change is included in the .zip file" or something to that effect. Mentioning the license, thanking the original author(s) and telling people not to report bugs with your version to them would also be terrific ideas.
  20. Version 2.4.14 is out. The major thing of interest (other than perhaps a bug fix or two) is you can now click on the delta-V column and get an estimated burn time. Very helpful for timing your burns properly. Should have been in there ages ago. You can find it and a full list of changes in the usual place: https://github.com/RealGrep/protractor/releases/tag/v2.4.14 Let me know if you have issues. Enjoy!
  21. Ok, sorry about that. To be clear, it didn't like the .bat files e-dog uses to build, and there was no malware in there, ever. It shouldn't complain about this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v25yx97ucetk1tx/ProcFairings_3.09_mmdfix025b.zip?dl=0 The source code is unchanged from e-dog's version, and can be found in the usual place: https://github.com/e-dog/ProceduralFairings As always, this is unofficial, and do not, under any circumstances, bug e-dog about it. Thank you all for letting me know. Also, thanks to e-dog for being awesome.
  22. That makes no sense. Seriously doubt there's malware in there. For one, I'm on Linux, and second, I compiled it all myself except KAE. Not impossible, but seems highly unlikely. Chrome isn't complaining for me either. Very likely a false positive. That's sort of upsetting. Looking into it now. EDIT: Got it, it was the Windows .bat files triggering it. False positive. I'm putting together another one by copying the new DLLs into the released .zip e-dog made. Will be up shortly. Sorry for Chrome's derpyness.
  23. Wow, relax. I'm doing no harm, here, and I'm well within the license. Just trying to help people (the horror!). I seriously doubt e-dog will mind. If he did, I'd take it down for him. And if you have issues, yes, you can let me know, but basically, provided as-is. If it doesn't work, we wait. We'll live. I tested it well, and Fusty also tested it for me. No issues found. If I'm ever impatient for a mod update, I just think of Minecraft modding, and then realize how lucky we are.
  24. I rebuilt what was in github with the new KSPAPIExtensions. Seems to work just fine. Until the proper update, you can try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v25yx97ucetk1tx/ProcFairings_3.09_mmdfix025b.zip?dl=0 Source (unchanged from e-dog's version): https://github.com/e-dog/ProceduralFairings This is unofficial, so please don't report issues to e-dog. Thanks to Fusty on IRC for the additional testing. EDIT: As NathanKell said, there may be issues. Seems fine thus far, but you never know. EDIT2: Changed the URL to a new package because Chrome was being silly and giving a false positive for malware. It didn't like e-dog's batch files. There was no malware in there, period. I also made it from his release package by replacing his .dlls, so it is smaller. Removed obsolete text from this post.
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