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Posts posted by Pesoen

  1. good to know, i know how to disable ATM for certain mods, but i have forgotten how, so time to browse my folder, and remember what i disabled, the time i found out. i will report how, so you can have glorious textures as well :)


    sems easy to disable it, just open the cfg and set enabled = false and remember to remove the MSI folder in the cache, or do like i did, remove the entire cache, still trying to find some good settings to use, with decent looks, and good savings.


    not as easy as i thought, doing that disables it for the stock MSI parts, but not the model rework pack.


    just going to remove ATM, since i'm using the 64-bit community workaround, so ram is not a problem at the moment.

  2. this may be a stupid question, but i have yet to see it anywhere, and im far too tired to start going through all 373 pages of the thread, so i will ask like this instead.

    what is the easiest way to exclude a folder from being compressed? i have Infernal robotics rework, and all the textures seems to fail loading, and they are an odd black with a small yellow square on them, instead of the white and orange texture they otherwise have, but it works fine, if i clear out the cache for the magicsmokeindustries folder. though it takes some time to load it.

    thanks in advance for the reply.


    nevermind, found a solution, went into the configs, found the one for MSI and simple put false at enabled. and removed the textures.

    also did some tests, since some on here, seem to think the mod is dead(or at least thats how i read it)

    here is some info.

    loaded is on the runway, with a somewhat big craft, and a smaller one next to the runway, camera pointed towards the VAB and sligthly down.

    unloaded is on the selection menu, where you select VAB or SPH, and so on.

    settings: 1920X1080 fullscreen, all settings on as high as they go.

    only thing i have changed from the config for ATM, is i set the filter mode to trilinear insted of bilinear.

    WO ATM:


    RAM: 2.660,2 MB

    CPU: 19%


    RAM: 2.748,2 MB

    CPU: 11%

    W ATM:


    RAM: 2.227,7 MB

    CPU: 20%


    RAM: 2.315,3 MB

    CPU: 11%

    as far as i can see, i save about 400 MB ram, at the cost of slightly more CPU ussage. and it also seems to load slightly faster on start, than if i run it without ATM.

    i know this will mean nothing without my actual system specs, so here they are:

    CPU: I7-3770k @ 4.2 GHz

    RAM: 16 GB Corsair Vengance (2X8 GB)

    MB: MSI z77-gd55a

    HDD: Seagate 7200RPM 2TB Drive(unsure of exact model)

    rest is as far as i know not relevant.

    also sorry about this, im tired, so sometimes it seems like a good idea to do this, but turns out to be a bad one, but eh, if you can use the info, please do, if not, then sorry.

  3. The F3 Flight Results are a bit inaccurate. This post on this very-similar thread shows an attempt I made a while back, in which I pulled 315 g's. Since then, I've figured out how to regularly exceed 2,000 g's of force and land safely, with some slight modifications to the design shown on the thread. For some reason, though, the after-flight log inevitably shows G-forces way, way lower than the Double-C Accelerometer. :huh:

    hmm interesting, ill have to look into that, and see if i figure something out. or see a way to get accurate readings.

  4. The design of vessels is a tree structure, it's not possible to have an interconnected loop within a tree. You can get around this limitation somewhat by using struts to bind together pieces, or by using docking (which internally makes a strut like connection between the docking ports). If you design a vessel with docking ports aligned so that they are touching on launch, it is possible to get it to automatically connect when you launch the vessel. Take note that the docking port connections aren't as strong as normal connections though.

    thats what im trying to get around, so if its close enough with a node to another, it will connect it automatically, though as stated i have no clue how to do it. i know it can be somewhat fixed with struts, but i want to be able to do it without struts.

    Movenated :)

    thank you.

  5. SORRY FOR POSTING HERE, did not see sub-post for plugins development help. if possible please move it there, as i have no idea how to do so.

    i really love to make symetrical space stations, but sometimes i run into a small problem, the fact that parts only attatch to one node.

    what is happening is it attatches fine, to the parts marked in red, but the blue wont connect.


    however im looking for someone to help me mod, or make the mod so it connects to all points like so.


    anyone feel like either doing it, or helping me, as i have no clue how to do it, but i do have programming skills, mostly C# and LUA, but working on getting C++ as well.

    Kind Regards Pesoen

  6. here is the challange, you must get as hard G's as you possibly can.

    here are the rules:

    1. you may only use 1 engine(turbojet or basic jet engine only!)

    2. you may not go higher than 8000 meters.

    3. you must take off and land again, no crashing.

    4. you have to post screenshot of vehivle and the flight report after landing(press f3 for the report)

    5. Infinite fuel is NOT allowed.


    7. FAR is allowed. any other mod is not allowed

    good luck out there, here is my one, with my StuntPlane Mk5





  7. to answer your question, i think the minimal is a Core 2 Duo, and onboard graphics, bear in mind, this is a laptop, one of my friends got for school work, it can still play CS:GO fairly good, just limit the graphics in KSP and it runs fine. what I would recommend is the following

    CPU: Intel Core i3

    GPU: GTX 460

    RAM: 4 GB and above

    the above setup will run KSP at medium graphics, with no problems. anything better than that, is great for running ksp, but its not limited to these specs and above, as said, it can run on older computers as well, just dont expect the best graphics and quality.

  8. it could be great to have something in game, to assembe your own engines, out of parts you can unlock. i would like that concept more, but thats just my idea. think about how cool it would be, not something specific like selecting what fuel lines to use, just what power it should have, based on what parts there are in it, and it would require resources.

  9. xrayfishx i have some programming experience, not a lot, and nothing in the unity engine, only windows programs, in C# so far, but in C# programming

    im able to see the error code, and in the programming set, if error code is something specific (ie 22) it will read a certain part of the entire error, and post it in the popup window (only read the part that failed ie "picture failed to load, picture not found") if it is as easy as it is in C# windows programs, then i cant see the problem, but if its not, then i can see why they might not.

  10. i would like to request, an easy to read crash report, of course made side by side with the actual one, so people with a lot of mods, can easily find out, what mod is causing the problem. instead of going through the crash report to see its a certain dll which had the file loaded(at least thats how i read it), simply because my game crashes, alot, but i have a huge ammount of mods, and most are added at the same time, to speed up the installation of the mods.

    something easy to read, if possible. like the following example

    "KSP has crashed, the file (KAS/Parts/winch1/winch1.cfg) failed to load properly

    Crash report created (2014-05-11_170804)"

    Or something similar, so its easy to find the source of the problem, instead of just getting the message it crashed.

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