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Posts posted by Goliathan

  1. Someone's dropping a divide by zero error into the main flight calculations ([LOG 11:10:39.418] Look rotation viewing vector is zero) right before FAR trips up (understandably). Whether that divide by zero originates from FAR I couldn't tell you. Try adding mods one at a time on a fresh install (starting with FAR) to narrow down the culprit.


    The player.log is much more useful for debugging

    Thanks, I'll try injecting them one at a time until it crashes. The full .log is available in the thread I linked, but I'll link it again here if it helps. Complete Log

  2. So I posted a thread about this Here. But I've narrowed the problem down to FAR and NEAR (and yes I've tried both). Basically every time I launch I crash within a few seconds due to a series of NaN errors. Is there a known workaround for this? Is it caused by come sort of incompatibility?

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 1.311 B_2 = 1.388 sweepAngle = 0.974964687851752

    MidChordSweep = 27.6 MidChordSweepSideways = 0.111888451949879

    at R8winglet

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 1.311 B_2 = 1.388 sweepAngle = 0.974964687851752

    MidChordSweep = 27.6 MidChordSweepSideways = 0.111888451949879

    at R8winglet

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 1.311 B_2 = 1.388 sweepAngle = 0.974964687851752

    MidChordSweep = 27.6 MidChordSweepSideways = 0.111888451949879

    at R8winglet

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 1.311 B_2 = 1.388 sweepAngle = 0.974964687851752

    MidChordSweep = 27.6 MidChordSweepSideways = 0.111888451949879

    at R8winglet

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.780] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.781] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.781] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.781] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.781] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.781] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.781] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.781] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [WRN 21:18:14.781] FAR Error: Aerodynamic force = NaN AC Loc = NaN AoA = -1.5707963267949

    MAC = 0.519 B_2 = 1.825 sweepAngle = 1

    MidChordSweep = 0 MidChordSweepSideways = 0

    at StandardCtrlSrf

    [EXC 21:18:14.782] ArithmeticException: NAN

    System.Math.Sign (Double value)

    ferram4.FARWingInteraction.UpdateUpstreamValuesFromWingModules (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 wingModules, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 associatedInfluences, Double directionalInfluence, Double thisWingAoA)

    ferram4.FARWingInteraction.CalculateEffectsOfUpstreamWing (Double thisWingAoA, Double thisWingMachNumber, Vector3d parallelInPlaneLocal, System.Double& ACweight, System.Double& ACshift, System.Double& ClIncrementFromRear)

    ferram4.FARWingAerodynamicModel.CalculateWingCamberInteractions (Double MachNumber, Double AoA, System.Double& ACshift, System.Double& ACweight)

    ferram4.FARWingAerodynamicModel.DetermineStall (Double MachNumber, Double AoA, System.Double& ACshift, System.Double& ACweight)

    ferram4.FARWingAerodynamicModel.CalculateCoefficients (Double MachNumber, Double AoA, Double skinFrictionCoefficient)

    ferram4.FARWingAerodynamicModel.DoCalculateForces (Vector3d velocity, Double MachNumber, Double AoA, Double failureForceScaling)

    ferram4.FARWingAerodynamicModel.DoCalculateForces (Vector3d velocity, Double MachNumber, Double AoA)

    ferram4.FARWingAerodynamicModel.CalculateForces (Vector3d velocity, Double MachNumber, Double AoA)

    MuMech.MechJebFARExt.partModuleUpdate (.PartModule pm)

    MuMech.VesselState.AnalyzeParts (.Vessel vessel, MuMech.EngineInfo einfo, MuMech.IntakeInfo iinfo)

    MuMech.VesselState.Update (.Vessel vessel)

    MuMech.MechJebCore.FixedUpdate ()

    [ERR 21:18:14.782] Invalid parameter because it was infinity or nan.

    [ERR 21:18:14.782] Invalid parameter because it was infinity or nan.

  3. Update: The problem is with Ferram Aerospace although I'm not sure what is causing it. I thought it might be trajectories mod but uninstalling/reinstalling didn't make a difference. A fresh install of FAR will allow the game to work for 2-3 flights then start crashing again. Does anyone know if Ferram publishes dev builds? I'm running 14.6 (the latest version).

  4. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and KSP 64 Bit with about 24 mods. Recently the game has started crashing whenever I try to launch a plane from the run way. I'll be able to fly for a bit but it consistently crashes within about 3 minutes. It's not a memory error as I'm running 64 bit with 16GB of ram in my PC and KSP is only using about 7 while the game is running.

    Screenshot of my GameData Folder:


    Link to KSP.Log


  5. Is there a setting or version that makes this mod compatible with Kerbinside? I thought I would just uncheck the setting that said "override launch button" then wait until my craft was done then just launch it from the SPH but now my launch button is greyed out and I can't launch at all. Would the RSS version of this mod allow me to select a different launch site?

  6. So here's a screenshot of my current GameData folder:http://i.imgur.com/hMyqhDU.png

    I used to have all these running just fine but I broke something non-ksp related and ended up reinstalling linux, I've gone through all the usual procedures, downloaded dependencies, ran the echo command in the KSP Folder, I start up KSP directly from the 64bit executable and it stops loading when it gets to about 3/4 of the way through. I tried adding that LLC_All = C to the launch options and launching it through steam but now it stops loading immediately, if I remove all or most of the mods it loads up just fine, normally I'd think memory error but I'm running 64 bit with 16 gigs of RAM.

    Here's my KSP Log: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wkq7lE1vUM02GV6ojlkRkx-xzo8JdHznE4R5lM1_r-E/edit?usp=sharing

  7. I seem to be encountering a bug where when I load a flight in progress I can't quicksave (as if it were a simulation) and I can't make the game go back to the space center, the only way to get out is to exit the game. Is this a known bug? I'm currently running the Scott Manley interstellar Quest modlist + Firespitter, AIES Aerospace, Station Science, Lack Luster Labs, and Modual Kolonization System on a 64bit Ubuntu 14.04 OS. Is there an incompatiibility with any of these things? Is this a known bug?

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