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Everything posted by Itoum

  1. is this things running yet ??? and is it working with the new 0.24 64 bit ??
  2. can we have final gamedata so we could built for u !!!
  3. What ive been working on this week AH-64 Apache http://imgur.com/a/Brsif#0 AH-6 http://imgur.com/a/on5SI#0 F-35 http://imgur.com/a/0oSsI#0 F-22 http://imgur.com/a/YgHTo#0 Im now working on HX-77 and AC-130
  4. Spy Satellite mission Launch a single unmanned probe in a 500 km polar orbit with an eccentricity close to 0 and inclination of 90 degree from the mun Satellite must weigth a maximum of 2 ton Only one RTG is allowed The Spy Satellite must have at least 2 dish one commutron 16 must be self sufficient must be able to send data on the nigth side since its a spying satellite Satellite must include at least one ion engine and RCS The Satellite orbit must be filled with debris so we cant say its there from map view. so it looks like this http://imgur.com/LmnukrD The launcher must not use any SRB Cause u said no mods its a bit easy i know but with Remote tech 2 it makes it alot more difficult and with hull cam u can place a camera and take picture of anomalies like a real Spy Satellite its up to u 2 mods RT2 and Hull Cam Good luck
  5. i would like to become a black market vendor but i have some question about the mods ive download the gamedata folder but not all the mods from th list were in it so im wondering is D12 raster props lazor system procedural wings is ok ? and in your idskillfull u dont have the flares so if i use last version of idskillfull is it ok ? and the how refuel is going to work without KAS ?
  6. is it too late to become a black market vendor ?? and how refuel is going to work without KAS ?? is raster props available in the mods since D12 is there ??
  7. I dont know if it will help but look at mine its flying like a boss and gliding like a champ loll !!! Look at the end i took pictures of my CoM/CoL with and without the external fuel tank, I'm using fuel tank on the shuttle as well. For the cargo ive realize that when in the cargo bay its better to place it at the back so ur CoM go back at liftup. http://imgur.com/a/hesKL#0 There is a Shuttle Challeenge too u migth want to look at it for idea http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79273-Kerbal-Shuttle-Challenge
  8. Base on F-35 Its a prototype im still not done on the plane but ill take any comments on it on how to improve it Currently im working on a missile bay that will go on the belly with Damned Robotics, LLL, and D-12 missiles The plane goes until mach 1.2 without any problem and still able to turn but then Boom Aereodynamics failure loll So i guess ill work on the frame to make it stronger Using 1.25M Thermal Turbo jet engine with 1x1.25M Fusion reactor 1x1.25 electric generator and 1x the smallest fusion reactor from KSP Interstellar Engine deliver at least 217 of thrust and its still going up when i go Boom CoL is slightly in front of CoM with the missiles on the wings but i guess that the missiles bay on the belly will compensate for it and ill probly remove the 6 smaller ones on the wings Anyway here is the K-35 https://imgur.com/a/QhFee#0
  9. sorry for double post but just had an idea maybe some kind of missiles bay kind of like cargo bay but smaller and that u can attach to the sides or something like that https://imgur.com/a/lkUK9#0
  10. Same here wondering if missiles are broken cause they dont target !!
  11. B9's http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55102-B9-4-0c-Texture-Reduction-Pack-(Extreme)
  12. loll yeah i know its hard to place 4 on each orbit but ive manage to do it without remote tech see https://imgur.com/a/B1fcv#0 ive done it with this method and if u look my gps satellite only have the communotron 32 omni antenna and the little back one dont remember the name i do have a relay setup but i cant get control of my gps satellite !!
  13. Here are some question I have about this mods 1- If i want to place 3 satellites in a geosynchrounous that can reach each planet/moon do I need to put one Dish for every planet/moon or is it better to place 3 on kerbin then 3 on the mun then 3 on minmus, 3 on duna u get the point ?? 2- If i want to place a GPS constellation (24 Satellites) do they all need to have a dish or there is another way to do it ?? cause if all of them have a dish its going to do alot of yellow lines on the map screen for now those are the questions coming to my mind !! thx in advance
  14. remote tech 2 adds difficulty for unmaned mission
  15. Thx for answering Procedural Parts does not include engine only fuel tank wings and fairings As for the gold tank here u are http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64796-Copernicus-MTV-components
  16. I would like to try this challenge But i got some question before 1- In the kethane version it says we can use KW B9 etc but i have some mods that are not listed like Infernal robotic, Remote tech 2, Aies, Fasa, Procedural Parts, Far, Scan Sat can i use them ?? Can i do like a mother ships that sends drones on the moons before sending a lander with Kerbals onboard ? Can i use this Ship ? https://imgur.com/a/MBEgC#0
  17. 1st is your ksp windows all thats size even while in game ?? 2nd if u want to see taskbar and the game in windowed if i look at your picture i would say place the taskbar on the sides
  18. loll i remember to had this problem but ive solved it but making my taskbar hide when im not using it
  19. im playing in 1366 x 768 in windowed mode and i have no problem
  20. Prototype K-37 6 man crew 2m Cargo Bay up to 7 tons payload Dry testing successful ! https://imgur.com/a/Gtpf3#0 Inspiration http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/onepercent/2011/10/hypersonic-x-37-spaceplane-cou.html Tell me what u think !!
  21. I know i dont meet all the requirement for this challenge but ive start doing my Konstellation mission before i knew about this one well ill post what i have so far im still not done yet still got the Cargo lander, Habitat lander and Altair to built. My Konstellation mission was based on that video at the begining So my Orion has only 3 crew on board i know its suppose to have like 6 but there is no 6 crew module in ksp Mission: Konstellation 1- Launch Kopernicus Module in a 100KM orbit around kerbin using an Ares V rocket 2- Launch LV-N Transfer Stage and rendez-vous with Kopernicus 3- 2 Ares I with Orion on Board Rendez-vous with Kopernicus This is where i am at the moment Still have some issues with Orion (service module has a flaw didnt decouple properly on reentry) https://imgur.com/a/VDSRf#0
  22. This is my shot at this challenge Mods that i use 1-B9 Aerospace (Fuselage and Crew Cabin) 2-Procedural Parts (Fuel Tank and Wings) 3-FASA (Clamps on the Launch pad) 4-FAR 5-Magic Smoke Industries 6-Dromoman (Shuttle arm) 7-KAS (Magnet) 8-Klockheed Martian (Shuttle Engine) 9-Remote Tech 2 (Comms) 10-MechJeb 2 Lol i use more than this but those are the ones i used on the Shuttle So here it is Name: Kolombia Crew: 4 Mission: 1-Rendez-Vous with Kopernicus for a crew transfer 2-Deliver Payload to a 500KM orbit 3-Land safely at KSC http://imgur.com/a/hesKL/all
  23. Its been a week since i start playing with this mod !!! Awesome mod Krag btw !!! And ive manage to understand most of the .cfg files i can create lots of planet on differant orbit on collision cousre change size SOI orbit Lan u get the point. There is my problem the height map from SE work fine but the color dont i always have the color of the template planet ive choose ive try exporting the map in all the files they offers but still not working... here is the .cfg on my planet: PFBody { name=Test templateName=Ike flightGlobalsIndex=752 } CelestialBody { bodyDescription=Test GeeASL=0.5 Radius=100000 rotates=False rotationPeriod=4040 initialRotation=180 tidallyLocked=False } Orbit { inclination = 0.9 eccentricity = 0.00 semiMajorAxis = 2500000000 LAN = 0 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3 epoch = 0 referenceBody = Reddish } PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform { deactivateAltitude=180000 } PQS { radius=100000 minLevel=1 maxLevel=10 } PQSMod_PFDebug { order=99999 modEnabled=True minAlt=999999 } PQSMod_VertexPlanet { modEnabled=False } PQSMod_PFOffset { modEnabled=True offset=500 order=5 } ScaledExport { templateName=Ike mapWidth=2048 maxHeight=4000 hasOcean=false oceanHeight=0.0 exportBin=True removeAlpha=False } PQSMod_VertexHeightMap { modEnabled=True order=160 heightMap=Test_height.png heightMapDeformity=2000 heightMapOffset=0 scaleDeformityByRadius=True } PQSMod_VertexColorMap { modEnabled=True order=150 vertexColorMap=Test_color.png } PQSMod_PFHeightColor { modEnabled=False order=30 lerp=True landClasses { LandClass { altStart=0 altEnd=0.5 color=0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 1.000 } LandClass { altStart=0.5 altEnd=0.6 color=0.0, 0.02, 0.02, 1.000 } LandClass { altStart=0.6 altEnd=0.7 color=0.15, 0.150, 0.155, 1.000 } LandClass { altStart=0.7 altEnd=1.0 color=0.99, 0.99, 0.98, 1.000 } } } PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise { modEnabled=False order=10 noiseType=RiggedMultifractal deformity=10 seed=45756 frequency=2 lacunarity=2.5 persistance=0.8 octaves=6 mode=Low } PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute { modEnabled=False order=100 seed=3339066 deformity=2000 octaves=1 persistence=0.6 frequency=0.80 }
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