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Everything posted by Hades514

  1. don't worry just add a square Waiter, there's a movie in my soup!
  2. When Landing on a certain biome, Point strait up
  3. One thing they should add is that you should recover paarts so that you could use them again without having to buy things
  4. I tried making the Mir, but my baseball game got in the way
  5. I'm sure all of you guys were nervoous when these happened, huh?
  6. Found a great spot for my Mün colony from orbit. I then landed with a craft and planted a flag to mark the crater. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/43x64/embed"></iframe>
  7. As the title says, how did it go? I'll start off with mine. Mine went horrible. I was descending with the poodle engine and the 2 man lander can. The poodle smashed into the ground blowing my ship to pieces. The lander can had a Rockomax Coupler (The one that's small at the top and big at the bottom) and a parachute. The rest of the lander is scattered around the capsule. So, how about yours?
  8. A few minutes ago I started creating a debris belt. Just 8 more launches to go. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/RAMdN/embed"></iframe>
  9. I was nearly hit by my orbital stage. AGAIN. Time for some sort of garbage ship to destroy the debris. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/yRWRt/embed"></iframe>
  10. Was nearly hit by my booster stage in orbit
  11. He stole a plane after he returned and abandoned it, we found his suit floating in the ocean. Last known sightings: Plane after being abandoned: The plane was shot down and crashed. It is currently being recovered. The sear for Jeb has started
  12. Was nearly hit in a MKO <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/wkMx9/embed"></iframe>
  13. He has now landed safely and is waiting for a rescue. The first already died as it collapsed on landing.
  14. Was nearly hit by a capsule in orbit <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/wkMx9/embed"></iframe>
  15. My asteroid colony was nearly hit by 3 peices, and 1 hit the asteroid, not the parts. I then remembered my debris cloud from my ISS Replica after I Destroyed it. I made a replica of Gravity as Bill was shot into space by a solar panel.
  16. In Jool orbit, with a Laythe intercept. Probably gon die.
  17. I've just uploaded a new profile pic and i can't see it. Can anyone see it? If no, is there anyway i could fix it?
  18. Created my new profile pic by accident
  19. SPS MKI (Science Processing Station Mark 1)Is a fully developed space station with a lab module, crew module, and habitation module. It is also fitted with a Science Jr, Communotrons and Mystery Goo Canisters. It is perfect for science missions in career mode to process science. Pics: Download: http://www./download/y08sl2crcc1x2ox/SPS+MKI.craft
  20. I always start with on landing module, then different modules like a lab module, storage module, etc. How about you?
  21. I just put a ton of Space Station parts in sub assemblies. I then take those, attach them to rockets, and make a space station
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