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Everything posted by cah150

  1. Really liking the Clamp-O-Tron idea. I might see if I can link this and other builds to a core. If it won't be too much of a necro bump I'll post it.
  2. I'm using two labs because MOAR POWER and it seems to sit a bit better with me. I want to make it seem a bit more massive without being too unstable. I built a ship a while back with NovaPunch that had 6 mini-satellites that broke off in orbits, so the rover idea kinda comes to mind. The extra solar panels are a sort of placeholder, I know it'll look stupid. When I get to them, I can replace them. I was originally thinking aboot using it as a fuel station, and docking the external fuel tanks onto it, maybe transferring the rovers/satellites to other ships instead of trying to build them together. I'll have a look at the docking clamp bottom and see if it works out. Thanks for fixing the image, too. I'm new to the whole forum thing.
  3. So, I've got a station I'm building, and I think it's coming along nicely, for me anyway. I just would like some input and design tips. You can see a decoupler below the fancy part, and it's there for obvious reasons. However, I really don't like having the boxy Science Lab as the bottom once I'm where I need to be. I need some input on how the design can look a bit easier on the eyes, but not collapse from pressure as I get off the ground. I'd also like tips to make it a bit spicier on the frame. Ideas?
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