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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Okay so it just stopped doing it. I have no idea. Thanks for your interest!
  2. I have been playing off and on since EA and have recently come back. I have done flybys of the Mun and Minmus in 1.1 with pretty basic rockets. Now I am looking to get in some low altitude flybys as I save up enough science to build a lander module. So I built a 4 stage rocket with boosters and almost immediately after launch begin to tip over. The thing is perfectly symmetrical and properly staged, though thinking about it the problem starts way before I need to hit space bar again. What am I missing
  3. Hm, not super into mods. Will just have to deal with the motion of the ocean so to speak. Thank you all for input and advice!
  4. Success! It worked like a charm all the way to near bingo fuel. I was even able to time warp no problems. Rocketeer, two reasons. The observe missions I am on have multiple parts to them, which leads to the second reason. Cost, with a plane you are all profit sans fuel expense. Rockets ain't cheap yo. Follow up question however. Is there a way to lock your altitude? My flight path was a series of time warp to 7-8k, drop nose and time warp to 1k. Any way to fly level basically?
  5. I think I have stumbled onto a design that will work. 5 long fuselage, wingspan pushed all the way back to the engine with winglets along the length. Looks goofy but so far testing is encouraging. Only issue is takeoff is a little tricky. Going to attempt the mission and report back.
  6. Okay, so I have an observe Kerbin mission that takes me to the exact opposite side of the planet. I have done a few prior to this one with a little 2 fuselage plane no problem but this one obviously is outside its range. I have tried a few different designs with the parts and size limit I have to no joy. The big problem is I can't find a stable build that will continue to fly as fuel empties. At least I am assuming fuel emptying is the problem. Either that or there is a Bermuda Triangle on Kerbal.......
  7. Is there any way to disable autosave? I have poked around and can't find an option, it keeps auto saving my game right as I make a huge error. I dig that trial and error is part of them game, but when you spend the time to make a mun landing and screw up the ascent over a silly happening it is a big kick in the junk when the game forces you to do it all over again.
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