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Everything posted by Jackuul

  1. I love KW. Please don't abandon it? I am just a regular end-user who tried to repaint stuff a year ago and failed, and instead just enjoy building rockets and launching Kerbals to the deaths with maximum efficiency. KW allows me to be more efficient at Kerbal destruction, and occasional mission successes. I would be saddened with its discontinuation. Take it as you will, but there are people who appreciate it being updated and very much like the parts.
  2. Aaaanyways, I have found LOTS of wonderful parts, which work together really well, but don\'t match up skin-wise (I know I know, Kerbal tech is kinda junkyard techie in a way ) but i was wondering if I did a reskin and tweaked config files of various parts to make a smooth (ish) looking setup, would that be considered okay? I would attempt to contact any modeler or person in the config files first of course, and leave them with the original author title in the file (just a Modded by Jack after). Basically I wanted to know if this was acceptable? I don\'t want to make anyone angry or anything or suddenly have a hive of angry bees descend upon me ._.
  3. I just recently found this game, and then suddenly became addicted. Because all my life I have wanted to play a space simulator that let you build the actual rocketry and design your own rockets. And now I have found KSP It was actually a fluke that I found it, I was doing a google on my own website which has a 5 instead of an S in KSP, and boom. Suddenly winning. Sooo anyways, hai :3
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