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Everything posted by JethroJr

  1. Thanks for the reply to you and Sirkut. Sorry for not replying back sooner as I've been busy saving my rescue rover on minmus with one the landers that needs saved. If you have played this game long enough, I'm sure you guys have done the same. I have found out what was causing the errors on the launch pad. There was a file folder (000_Toolbar) that managed my icons (kethane, KER, life support, etc) in a nice neat toolbar at the top of my screen. Somehow, it was causing my conflict. So, I would rather use IR than have a toolbar. Thanks again, JethroJr.
  2. I'm having a problem with 0.15b. I build a simple lifter, set-up staging in VAB, save. I go into launch and the staging is all staged on 1 stage. I'll seperate and restage on launch pad and the tower holder things don't disengage. The motors aren't activated. Also, I hit ESC and revert flight is not highlighted (enabled). Also, In a previous game save a satellite that was heading to minmus SOI reverted from going around minmus to right at it. You couldn't see Minmus from game view as you should have. If you respond with where I can get the "Craft file", I'll put into your dropbox. Thanks,
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