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    Random guy with a wrench
  1. @Avera9eJoe, once I move my work stuff away from my mini-tower PC, I intend to install Mint and do some performance tests with the KSP demo.
  2. @Boxman, since I already need a fast CPU and LOTS of RAM to run my work-related software (one of the beasts can top 2 GB of memory usage during data analysis and conversions), my guess is that I'll have enough raw power on that laptop to run a game like KSP (if the video card is okay). @xcorps, Thanks for the specs.
  3. Hi! Since I can't afford having a computer for work AND a gaming platform, I need to carefully balance work & fun. I'm about to buy a new laptop because my old HP mini-tower is getting old (Intel Core 2 duo @2,6 Ghz, 4 Gb memory and on-board crappy video card). My work requires Windows and CPU/memory-intensive software (I work with heavy databases and perform data analysis tasks as a consultant), so I guess it'll be okay for gaming as well. I was wondering what kind of performance I could expect running KSP on, say, a Lenovo T440s (Intel i7-4600u @3.30 Ghz, 8 Gb memory) or a Lenovo W540 (Intel i7-4700mq @3.40 Ghz, 8 Gb memory). Anyone running KSP on laptops with comparable specs? Thanks.
  4. @parameciumkid, Thanks for the advice. I've built that rocket to practice orbital insertion, orbital control and reentry. I find 4 engines for 1st stage and 1 engine for 2nd stage give enough thrust for my current needs. My next mission will get me to the Mün and back, trying to use my VTOL ship for the challenge!
  5. Well... As you can see in the orbit view, there is some junk floating in space. It took me a few tries to understand the basics in rocket building, orbital manoeuvres and reentry. This is the first complete mission (with a few stable orbit) that I complete with a living (and happy) kerbonaut. I would like to say that the physics work quite well in KSP and that controlled landings are the way to go. Tumbling down in a tiny space capsule and landing at random wouldn't be as fun! Can't wait to land on the other planets out there (once I've bought the complete version).
  6. Hi! I have juste started playing with the DEMO of KSP so the available parts are quite limited. My computer is quite slow and I have an old video card, so I'm waiting to get my new computer (in a few weeks!) to buy and install the complete game! Can't wait to build and launch rockets with full graphics and a decent framerate. Here are some pics of my first truly successful mission. I have designed this VTOL spacecraft, which is reusable and can use aerobraking to slow down A LOT when reentering. I deploy the parachute at low altitude (orienting the nose up) and bingo, with some practice I land quite precisely. The rocket itself is compact and nice, and doesn't oscillate during takeoff.
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