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  1. I have had no succesfull docking with more than 1m/s, but then again, I've only played for 7 months and i did my first succesfull dock 2 months ago (made some really huge spacestations now though)
  2. Hey everyone, I've been playing KSP for 7 months now and I have always wanted to fly with/next/against my friends but since there is no official multiplayer, I found that to be pretty hard. Once I installed the Kerbal Multiplayer Mod with my friend hosting, there where so many bugs. We were being overloaded by our crafts just being randomly duplicated at the starting point and then exploding and creating -cool looking- fireworks all over the place. But atleast we could see/notice eachother. We gave up nonetheless. This week, with my friend, I found a server that was hosted publicly by someone else which we could both join, and there weren't any bugs. I thought my dream came true, but dispite the awesomeness of no bugs + multiple people at the same time, there was a mayor flaw in my opinion. We weren't able to see eachother, just debris and idle/non-controlled craft. So yet again, I've been searching all over the place for a solution to play together. But sadly, my expedition has led me to empty roads. And therefore, I'm asking you people if you know any servers, maybe with another multiplayer mod -I don't care, as long as we can play synced together-, where I can make a jet fighter or a tank, find my friends and have awesome battles with them, on laythe. Thanks for taking the time for reading my story & question . Kind regards, Jembley
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