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    Curious George
  1. So, same as a lot of people, i struggle to get above 5 fps when trying to dock two ships that have over 400 parts each. This is pretty much game breaking as it is unrealistic to dock large items. So my question is, is there any was to reliably increase fps. I have seen lots of suggestions such as editing the maxphysics settings (this is a bad option apparently) but also people saying ksp is only 32bit so cannot use more than 4gb of ram. In practice, when running ksp my cpu doesnt even get halfway loaded, my gpu doesn't even have about 20% max load. But my ram sits at about 5.25. Suggesting that ksp can only use 4gb (the other 1.25 is monitoring and webpages) so is there anyway to force ksp to use more ram? as that may fix the issue.... Thanks for any input ~Barney6262
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