Hey djungelorm,
it's me from the velocity issue again. I don't want to pollute the issue on Github so I'd like to ask my question here:
I now have (partially) usable results from Vessel.Velocity(Vessel.Orbit.Body.ReferenceFrame). Item1 is my West/East velocity, Item2 is North/South. Item3 is a bit confusing, as it does not seem to match Flight(Vessel.Orbit.Body.ReferenceFrame).VerticalSpeed - but this could be my mistake.
Now I'm trying to convert this to the speed from the viewpoint of my vessel (Forward/Backward, Left/Right, Up/Down). I tried
var referenceFrame = vessel.Orbit.Body.ReferenceFrame;
var vesselSpeed = _connection.SpaceCenter().TransformVelocity(vessel.Position(referenceFrame), vessel.Velocity(referenceFrame), referenceFrame, vessel.SurfaceVelocityReferenceFrame);
(And any other reference frame I found on "vessel" ;-) ) but I could not produce the expected result. Can you help me with this?
On a side note: The way you support this project is awesome. Your friendliness and openness to suggestions paired with the good documentation and fantastic API make this one of the best, if not the best, modding project I have ever worked with :-D