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Everything posted by Bearskinz

  1. Hi All, Thanks for working on this plugin and providing plenty of examples. I got my first arduino and started building a controller a couple of months ago now- it's been a fun hobby to explore and have learned a lot. I have been able to incrementally add /debug controls and displays but am recently finding some frustrating problems that seem to be on the KSP end. I have tried using KSP 1.7 and 1.9 and have the same problems. 1. I just recently got my joystick in the mail and have it hooked up to control attitude. The joystick works great, however my problem is with the SAS- it turns on and off around the SASTol threshold, however, it doesn't actually do anything when it's on. The pitch/yaw/roll indicators in the bottom left stay at 0 unless I'm using the joystick. 2. The throttle control action group doesn't work. With the Breaking Ground DLC parts you can assign motor RPM or blade pitch etc. to increase with throttle, but this won't work while I'm using my controller throttle. The throttle indicator on the navball still goes up and down, and any regular engines throttle, but somehow that isn't being communicated to the action group. I think this is also the case with the pitch/yaw groups. Has anyone had similar problems or have any ideas? I've read through most of this thread at and haven't seen these problems.
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