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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. is there a way to change the speed at which certain parachutes auto-fail? i'm using Realchutes and it seems kinda weird to have to wait till i'm below 350 m/s to deploy the drogues which by that time seems pointless? is there any config i can change to allow for example, drogues to deploy safely at high speeds but not main chutes? thanks
  2. That would be awesome, especially if they made it so only certain ship parts wouldn't unload... Maybe pods and drones... Maybe things with parachutes?
  3. If it's any consolation I have managed to drop small parachuted probes and fly around in a circle till it lands, but it's very annoying and I wish I could drop them off and fly back to base, my only successful mission as just north of the base, i'm afraid if the next one is out at sea I won't have enough fuel. This is with the 5km unload range btw, the 2.5 was so small I couldn't make the turns... I hope somebody will figure something out
  4. i'm trying to find mods to increase unload distance, now with 0.9 out and trying a bit of hard mode, i'm trying to do as many of the missions as possible to get some funds, and i've gotten to a point where all the "collect surface temperature/atmospheric data" missions are on mountains, and i cant risk a kerbal landing there. so i came up with the brilliant solution of carpet-dropping small probes on parachutes from my planes... but they despawn 2.5km away before they could land. i googled around and found 2 mods that did this, one was... TTneverunload i think, but that one never got updated to curse, and the other is lazor systems, which has the option to increase "view" distance to 999km, i was hoping this would work, and it sorta did... but it increased the unload distance to 5km only... which is better, maybe now i can do loops around the probe until it lands, but still not ideal. anyone know how to do this? maybe a config file somewhere dictates this?
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