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Everything posted by stormoffires

  1. No mods, pure vanilla. The problem is fixed however, with a reinstall, tests work on the pad now so musta just been a bad file. another thing i noticed is without something for command, they cant run science projects in the pod
  2. must be just a bug with my computer, a missing command or something.. i installed it on my laptop and tested, works that way but my desktop wont allow me to click on the doors. So i re-installed the game and now it works. this is what i was getting http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=262363318 say saying "click on the door" did not help
  3. negative ghost rider... yes i mean the mobile processing lab.. however again, without anyone in the command modules or a probe attached you can not access ANY part of the space ship.
  4. Yes i am slightly angry but the rescue mission being planned without any promises from the staff will make me happy.. now if they can build a decent landing system... anyways, sent my first major exhibition to the moon, brought goo pods, a research section, and a science pod! obviously science pods take 2 kerbals, but my command pods only seat 1 at this time. So i built, 2 command pods on the return vehicle (gonna leave the big ol science pod behind) and have both kerbals return with all the data in the command pods. Yes i am aware this is not effective of getting science points but whatever :-p anyways.. when you remove said kerbals from the command pods and stick them in the science pod... you no longer can get them back!! apparently and tested this on the launch pad.. if you have no one in the command pods, or a probe attached, you will no longer be able to even communicate with the space craft, there for it has eaten your kerbals until the rescue team arrives with extra room. thus ends my rant, the real question is.. was the game designed this way, or is this a bug?
  5. gather round children and open your ears to a tale of a Brave little Kerbal named Jebediah Kerman. Now Jeb was no stranger to the many rocket tests, and orbital maneuvers around Kerbin. Low orbit and even high orbit trips, gathering and collecting information for the scientists back at base. Well finally Jeb had gathered enough, and the scientists had produced a space ship that could make it to the mun! Of course after speaking with many lawyers and sticking "not responsible for lost kerbals" stickers on the the rocket they sent Jeb to the Mun! Lucky for Jeb he was a skilled Kerbalnaught and managed to slingshot around the mun and back to Kerbin, where the scientists went a buzz over all the data he collected. So the scientists tried to launch and land a probe, which needless to say did not do anything when crashed into the ground. Finally a master piece was born, after several rocket tests/probe launches Mun Lander 2 was created! Jeb asked what happened to Mun Lander 1 and was told never to speak of it again... anyways enough goofing around here is what i had to do to get to and back from the Mun in career mode (with plenty of full to spare) https://imgur.com/a/ugLmY#0
  6. do not add the little dome covers, at this time ive noticed the dome covers which should promote less drag actually ADD to the drag, right now the game identifies all objects by their drag stat, so there is no slip stream/aerodynamics. just an FYI endless someone else can show, but the several rocket tests ive done have shown that the added weight/drag does effect. run without for best results i used the wings alot on my small crafts, just got back from a trip to the mum for the first time, 456 science points thank you very much took 2 science models (forgot goo!!! arg!) Id also suggest if you cant make the returns with the hvy science pods and what not, send a couple of rockets trying to get the same landing zone, with science models/satellites then 1 rocket/pod to pick the data then return no need to lug everything back.
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