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Everything posted by Darkeners

  1. Could you give me direct links for what I need to RT2, and eventaly what I should have too... My Plasma trusters are quite week so ms burn too ; d
  2. I wanted to Instal RT2, but when I go on forum I saw lots of coment, that this mod is bugged, and abandoned... but RT2 solutions are "natural" for this game.... On Green is better to use UF4 or ThF4?
  3. Now I have a Problem that over 2 ships, most of my satellites shutdown. I send over 10 satellites whit akulla generators, but due to time acceleration they burn all fuel, even I have 9 extra tanks (I need to feed manually, and I do so before shutdown). You always set Transmit on those or Relay? Time acceleration is the reason why I want to create even over 20 satellites powered by solar power, not reactors. Btw. Thx guys for answers! Edit: I read that article about solar panels, and I have a question, I build for test on the ground over 20 big solar panel, I have added around 16000 charges, but on Interstellar mod electric info, I doesnt see any value, all is on 0, this is normal? Did I need a Power Generator too? Whitout reactor.
  4. Somone can tell me: 1) How to upgrade reactors? What does mean? 2) Can I build Microwave network based on solar panels? I try to build some whit large reactor, but that doesnt work.
  5. How to upgrade Reactors? On max thrust, all green on Electric table, I have 12,2 kN.... on 2,5 plasma. I dont know how you menage that power from 4x small, I will test those... Btw. On some movie I saw that somepeople transfer power from solar panels, but I doesn't see capable solar panels ; d
  6. How to upgrade those? I take other fuel only for testing (first try of Plasma) I have mostly Argon for that ( I saw table on trusters) Now I have 8x satelites whit Akula all over the space, some on Kerbin orbit, some on other orbits (Eve x1, Jool x2), 2x Satelittes on sun orbit, but whit that other reactors, those have 2x 3,75, but i think that they doesnt work well, or at all. On ground I have only support. When I watch plasma movies, I have feeling that they have 200kN trust at least.... my shows only 12,2 on Argon... my manouver node take 6h ; d
  7. Hi again, and thx for last answer. I have other issue, when I watch YT videos i see Plasma Thrusters have lot of power, they managed to start from planet, etc., but my are very slow. Until now I build: 6 satellites whit: Akulla 3,75m, 2 Electric Generator, 2 to 4 phased array (those solid not blooming), few radiators (statistic are green) 2 Land Base whit 2x items like satellites. Those have set 1 Transmitter, 1 relay or 2x 2x Ship have one Akulla Reactor, 2 Electric Generator, 4 those umbrella arrays, 2 kinds of fuel Argon, Lithium and monopropellant too. My thrust is only 12,2kN. Over 75% I start burning my stored megajoules. This is normal?
  8. Hi, my first post here I try google ansfer, but I can't find anything. I play KSP whitout any mods, I have unlocked almost all basic KSP technologies (only 3x technologies for 550 are not unlocked, and that one for Asteroid grabing.) I instal KSP interstellar mod, I activated, restarted, I even bought technology Experimental Electric for 1000 TP, but right now I cant use most of my regular items, or new ones. They are on list, but they are like pernamently clicked, grey. I can build Rocomax Tanks, but I can't use any engines, even those basic engines. I can use only ultra large engine from NASA pack, those which cant be used whit decuplers.
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