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Everything posted by Eclipse842

  1. The one I have releases a sphere of whirling 80 impact tolerance parts.
  2. That happened to me. The permanent exhaust is because it is spawned when launched so the exhaust is always on.
  3. Just to clarify, is Kraken weaponry allowed in battles?(not that I want a battle).
  4. BahamutoD you might want to fix the bug where you can clip rocket pods inside a plane and the rockets still fire fine.
  5. A missile that breaks up into extremely hard(at least 80 impact tolerance) and in your mod possibly explosive chunks that form into a glitchy sphere and changing velocity very glitchily(800 going down to 1400 going up).
  6. I have been working on stock K bombs recently. Maybe there could be a missile with a modded version of a K bomb on top. (K bombs basically create whirling balls of high Impact tolerance parts.)
  7. can someone please tell me what nuclear drives are???
  8. Dude, BahamutoD made the mod easy to modify, if you want that stuff, go into the .cfg and edit the numbers. And he added a warhead code a lot of pages back. Also, baha said he wasn't going to make kerbal weapons anytime soon.
  9. I have a series of missiles that are basically really OP hellfire, they both have better than sidewinder maneuverability, reasonable explosion, and cruise time of an AMRAAM. One is AAM another is AGM. Pics on request.
  10. I don't know if anyone noticed, but you can clip both rocket pods inside a plane and they will still fire perfectly.
  11. Ohh, okay, I thought I had made a mistake. Pardon my insolence. O, and speaking of proximity detonation maybe someone could make an Enders game style little doctor. It could work by hitting a target and then looking to see if there are any in a 200 meter radius, if so then the beam could activate a chain reaction.
  12. I tried to make a part which is basically the model and texture of a hydra rocket but with a missile config and ran into two problems 1, Once placed they become transparent and I cannot click on them. 2, the flame is on in the spy and on the runway but with no thrust. once released however they work fine
  13. I had the same issue with a space to ground laser that I was testing.
  14. Hey baha, a small bug, I set the decouple speed on HEKV to 8 and droptime to 1 and whenever I hold the mouse to fire, it doesn't take in the decouplespeed, however when done manually, it works fine.
  15. Baha, maybe you would be able to make a new variable that would be used just like modern BDA parts do for damage on impact tolerance. It could be called damage defense or something and there could be armor that had normal crash tolerance, but high damage defense.
  16. BahamutoD, I noticed that the amraams are very large. In real life they are the length of a m82 and the sidewinders are slightly shorter than the amraams.
  17. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/8Zv2P/embed"></iframe> This thing rocks
  18. Baha, I saw a JDAM like 50 pages back, but I can't find it anymore, if you find it can you put a link on the OP?
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