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GoSlash27's post in So... Kerbal parachutes... was marked as the answer
Lo Var Lachland,
I haven't tried it, but there is a section in the kerbalEVA.cfg defining the parachute module and lifting surface. You could try taking them out and seeing what happens, but be sure to keep a copy of the originals stashed so you can revert if necessary.
GoSlash27's post in is it better to go in a polar orbit or normal orbit? was marked as the answer
If you're going to Minmus, your best launch is into Minmus's orbital plane. If you have to choose between polar and equatorial, equatorial is closer. Less DV to correct for inclination.
Usually though, your first orbital launch isn't going to Minmus. It's just orbit and recover.
Either way, equatorial is the better option.
GoSlash27's post in Help with nose door was marked as the answer
I know it's not much, but here's an idea: Use landing gear as actuators. I installed i-beams in the cargo bay as guides, but it's still a very touchy mechanism even with them.
*edit* I got it to work reliably after some tinkering. Here's the craft file:
After you separate the halves, press 1 to extend/ retract the cockpit. It should dock upon closing.
GoSlash27's post in Best engines and fuel tanks for a simple vssto rocket? was marked as the answer
The ideal rocket will depend on exactly how much mass you're taking up. Could be anywhere from 2.1 to 4.3 tonnes, depending on which option you choose.
2.1 tonnes is a Skipper with 1 X200-8 and 1 X200-32.
4.3 tonnes is the same with an additional X200-16.
GoSlash27's post in Do closing intakes do anything? was marked as the answer
Actually, DDE, this is false.
Closing intakes is *supposed* to reduce drag, but it doesn't in the current implementation.
GoSlash27's post in The Conundrum of Rendezvous Manuevering was marked as the answer
As the others have said, the trick is to keep your velocity vector overlapping the...
Nevermind. Let's just do this instead:
The important parts are "pushing/ pulling the marble" and the 10x rule for closure rate.
GoSlash27's post in Kerbin Semi-Synchronous Orbit altitude? was marked as the answer
Kerbin's sidereal period is 21,549.4 seconds.
The period of a semi- synchronous orbit is 10,774.7 seconds.
The formula for radius (or SMA) based on period is
r= cuberoot(up2/4π2)
r= 2,181,745 m
This is radius from Kerbin's center, so altitude would be 1,581,745 m
GoSlash27's post in Easy way to calculate tons to orbit? was marked as the answer
You can use the reverse rocket equation to figure that out. You're simply replacing unused propellant with payload.
e^(DV/9.81Isp)= your wet-to-dry ratio; Rwd
(Rwd-1)/Rwd= the percentage of your orbital mass that is fuel.
So multiply that by the ship's mass in orbit and you have the tonnage that is propellant that could be payload instead.
The simpler way to do it is to simply launch and record the units of fuel/ oxidizer you have left. 90 fuel+ 110 oxidizer is a tonne.
It's not advisable to simply tack on payload without removing propellant, as that will reduce your thrust to weight ratio. That will increase the DV necessary to achieve orbit and leave you short.
Good luck!