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Everything posted by imdying

  1. Work in progress: - Double check node size is working - Recheck what\'s allowable for FX syntax, maybe enable some more options - Rename multiple parts Manufacturer and Author field at once - Target a number of part folders at once (list is now a tree view) - KSP Loader function (select the parts you want to use, load the game... to reduce load time and number of parts in VAB) It\'ll be a couple of days, but should be an improvement.
  2. Rev 5, removes attach spaces on saving: http://www./?1l3er3gni8q62lb
  3. Ok, I\'ll fix that. Might be worth raising a bug report on KSP, the presence of spaces shouldn\'t make a difference .
  4. Not sure, but if you can reproduce it I can probably fix it. You\'ll need to run it in administrator mode on a 7 machine. I\'m developing it on an XP machine at the moment, so I don\'t have an easy way to test a change to that.Here\'s a fix for the changing module type bug: http://www./?4em0tboj0835gt9 It also adds a text box for cutting the part list down to just items with titles containing the search text.
  5. ASAS is there, load a parts folder and select an AdvSASModule part. When that is displayed you\'ll get these properties on the Module tab: fuelCrossFeed, maxTorque, Kp, Ki, Kd, iconCenterRCSModule gives you: fuellCrossFeed, fuelConsumption and 6 thrust vectors RCSFuelTank gives you: fuellCrossFeed, fuel, fullExplosionPotential, emptyExplosionPotential, dryMass There\'s a bug in as much as changing the module doesn\'t update the Module tab with the specifics for that module, I\'ll fix that.
  6. Yeah, I\'d have been knackered without it. I think it\'s out of date now; it looks like a dev would have to go through it. Next port of call for me has been to search for HarversteR\'s posts with the name of the attribute. After that, guess ;D
  7. GoDamitt has more faith in my abilities than I do! Although I have to admit that would be neat.Nobody needs a config editor, but from what I\'ve seen after looking through hundreds of config files, almost everybody could use a little angel on their shoulder ensuring they\'ve used the same spelling of author/manufacturer etc at the very least. I\'ve also seen things like vectors with missing commas, misspelt properties, and properties applied to modules which don\'t support them. If you guys can help me figure out what\'s legit and what isn\'t, I\'ll give you a way to easily make sure your files always are. Here\'s an updated version. It\'ll save a file. I\'ve looked at the output for a few modules and it seems ok. Backup your files first, or duplicate the folder. The first time you save a part it creates a part.bak file to which you can always revert... but be smart, don\'t rely on that. http://www./?c7ctnymupet27p4 I\'ve only got less than a week of spare time in it so expect some personality 8)
  8. If it\'s an aeroplane, lift is what lets it fly. You might try looking at it backwards and don\'t let the plane off the ground till you have sorted out lift? Once you have sorted that out, then stalling takes care of itself... not enough lift, down she goes. Then you could extend that by having no lift on the control surfaces, and there is your way to influence the tumble direction. Translate that to part.cfg files with varying liftCoef, and you have different craft the will tumble different ways, but not just solely based on their mass or mesh or whatever. If I were you, I\'d start here.
  9. Haha nice man, KGG is based here in Earthquake Zone C. Feel that nice little rumble about half n hour ago...? That rolled for a bit longer that we\'ve had recently!I guess once you stall you need to determine which direction you tumble. Maybe use the CoG for that? Is there a physics engine inside the framework you\'re using?
  10. Where you from man?C# is pretty easy, Visual Studio pretty much writes it for ya (ok so it doesn\'t, but any C# developer that has used something like Eclipse knows what I mean).
  11. Bit of luck I\'ll get some time on it tonight, so I\'ll add a popup that displays the config that would be written. Hell you could even copy n paste from that in the meantime. When I do, please sing out if you see anything that isn\'t kosher, or that you believe would break your part.
  12. Rest assured, when HarvesteR has time to deliver docking and crew transfer, KGG will hook you up with a revised Kerpollo so you can live out your Apollo mission fantasy 8)
  13. I can assume that two people have tried it without it falling into a screaming heap then ;D It\'s light on error trapping, message boxes, and generally any sort of friendliness, but it\'s also pretty straight forward. Bit of luck once people get epic cheater rocket making out of their system, it should help them fine tune their parts, and also remind them of all the applicable properties for the module. Beats being careful with text files at least 8)
  14. Kerbal Grass and Grain are happy to introduce the first small step in their journey to help Kerbal kind. The KSP Factory is a simple part.cfg editor. You can download the latest version here: http://www./?1l3er3gni8q62lb It requires .NET to run, I expect most if not all of you will have that. Proposed features include: - Rename multiple parts Manufacturer and Author field at once - Target a number of part folders at once - Backup the part.cfg to allow restore to stock added - KSP Loader function (select the parts you want to use, load the game... to reduce load time and number of parts in VAB) - .craft validator (ensure you have all the parts required to use a .craft file before loading the game) - Craft pack file (.zip) creator (ensure all the parts required to use a .craft file and included in your release .zip file - Creator mode type (unlimited: no limits on values, strict: limit values to what KSP can actually use, balanced: limit values to keep parts in balance) - Interaction with the KSP Repository type websites to allow downloading of new parts directly into your library - Visual display of nodes vs collision mesh/object mesh to make tuning those connection points faster and easier Keen to hear what people think the right limits are for each value. HarvesteR, an official list would be great.
  15. That\'s another way to look at it If you cut the landing out, it had bucket loads of fuel to do the job.
  16. I would not be surprised to see the \'cost\' property removed from the part.cfg file when development has progressed sufficiently. The game itself will calculate that when it loads the part. That way you\'ll be able to run all the \'cheat\' parts you like... if you can afford them.
  17. I was the play tester for it, and yes it took me 10-12 goes to get there. However, the actual Mun landing itself is nice and easy, and the craft is reasonably robust.I found you needed to be nice and tight on the Kerbin orbit; waste no excess fuel achieving that and it\'s all easy from then on
  18. Bloody good, I\'ll have a squiz at that.
  19. I love it, very Kerbal looking. I too like the heat shield, especially that 40% desaturated version.
  20. Yeah, I\'ve run them up in part lab, no joy. Does appear to work, just can\'t here it in the game. I\'ll make my part editor write them to the part.cfg file as per (Skunky\'s?) part.cfg wiki page. When they start working, they start working. Either that or some smart cookie will at least be able to play with it and tell me if I\'ve done something wrong.
  21. Thanks for that Blinkin. I\'m aware that the release notes state that the custom sound loader is fixed, but I believe that to be incorrect, and that it remains broken. Can you point me to a part I can download that demonstrates this functionality actually working?
  22. I think custom sounds are broken in 0.13.1. Can anybody confirm? If so, can you point me to a part I can download that demonstrates this functionality working?
  23. Once you get the Pe down below a million you get around 187km/sec. When I find some spare time I\'ll try shooting out past Kerbal, see if I can quadruple the distance travelled... I\'m interested to know what happens when you approach 300km/sec.
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